Tony, Ellie and Julie Penglase, President Julie, Hilma Koskiniemi, Mungo and Sally Hearder and the big welcome at Moruya Airport

Julie’s Jots

First there was great excitement last week with the arrival of our Finnish Exchange student Hilma Koskiniemi at Moruya Airport on Thursday afternoon. I joined the Penglases, Hilma’s first host family and another of Hilma’s host families Sally Hearder and son Mungo, complete with our Finnish flags flying! It’s interesting that Finland has again this year topped the World Happiness Report, the seventh time in a row! No doubt Hilma will be explaining to us some time why that is. Everyone is looking forward to meeting Hilma on Thursday 8 August when she will do her official presentation. We all hope that this will be a fabulous year for Hilma and she really enjoys her time with us.

On Thursday night we were thrilled to win back the coveted Cinders Trophy from Moruya Rotary at our annual Trivia Challenge (see report below). It was a really enjoyable night and our organising team excelled.

Then of course on Sunday we had the Market. With a few of our members away at the moment, thank you to everyone who rose to the occasion. Although only a small market, it had a good vibe.

We’re not skiting of course… I took possession of the prized Cinders Tropy for our Club from Moruya President Allan Veness.


No Dinner Meeting is scheduled for Thursday 1st.

Thursday 1 August 5.30pm: Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club

The Week that Was

Narooma wins Cinders Trophy

The concentration at times was intense…..
Quiz HQ with Lynn Hastings and Quiz Master Chris O’Brien

Our annual Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotary on Thursday was a top night, this year hosted by us. Our Moruya friends, our guests including a number of Quota members, and our Members all had a top night, made even sweeter of course by the fact that Narooma won.

It has been said in the past that The Cinders is to Narooma and Moruya Rotary clubs what The Ashes is to Australian and English test cricket. The passion associated with The Ashes often pales compared with The Cinders, but it’s all in good spirits.

We had just under 50 people all up; six tables in all – four Narooma and two Moruya. Our quiz master Chris O’Brien excelled with challenging and varied questions that were also fun, and our fabulous support team of David McInnes as MC, Lynn Hastings as quiz assistant, and Rachel McInnes in charge of IT ensured the evening flowed smoothly and efficiently.

From this week’s Moruya Bulletin:

“We were in strife before we began the journey south because we could not find the Cinders massive shield. Eventually it was located under PP Derek’s bed, he being in Queensland on a well deserved holiday. So his house was entered (legally) and the shield brought out for a dust and polish, but, alas, no small shield to record our last year’s triumph.”

Narooma President Julie has already dropped the Cinders Trophy off to Georgie’s Jewellers to add Narooma’s small shield recording “our triumph” this year, ready for proud display at our next meeting.

‘The Supremes’ table was one of the two top Narooma tables; the other was President Julie’s with Quota members. Photo shows five tables.

Out and About

Gaza faces polio fear

The BBC (David Gritten) reports the World Health Organisation (WHO) is “extremely worried” about a possible outbreak of polio in Gaza after traces were found in in sewage samples. WHO has implemented a risk assessment and health workers are providing protection advice to Gaza’s 2.3 million population, but the breakdown of water and sanitation services means it is “very difficult” for people to follow that advice.  

The Polio virus spreads easily through contact with the faeces of an infected person, or less commonly through droplets when they cough or sneeze. It can cause paralysis and, in extreme cases, death. Those at greatest risk are Palestinian and Israeli infants who have not completed their required vaccinations.

WHO says immunisation rates in Gaza and the occupied West Bank were optimal before the conflict. A mass vaccination campaign may now be needed but an effective campaign would be challenging with the lack of security, access obstruction, population displacement, shortages of medical supplies, poor quality water and weakened sanitation have disrupted immunisation and increase the risk of diseases spreading. WHO stresses a ceasefire is essential to allow an effective response, a view supported by eight Israeli public health professors.


Wednesday 7 August 6.30pm: Prostate Cancer Support Group at Narooma Golf Club

Thursday 8 August 6 for 6.30pm: Dinner Meeting where we officially welcome our Finnish Exchange student Hilma Koskiniemi and she does her presentation.

Also we will hear from our 2020 Tertiary Scholar Rory Spurgeon, recently graduated, who is about to leave for Oxford University to do a Masters (see last Beacon for more information).

Bookings are essential please with Gero by noon Tuesday 6 August. Please invite partners and friends.

Community Whale Raffle promotes Narooma

Our Club has expanded its annual Whale Watching Raffle by making it into a community raffle with the theme ‘Experience Narooma’.

Supporters of Narooma Rotary’s ‘Experience Narooma’ Community Whale Watching Raffle include Rotary President Julie Hartley, left, Easts Holiday Parks Laura Spicer, Narooma Charters Nick Ingersole, Southbound Escapes Sally Bouckley and the Chamber of Commerce’s Laurence Babington.

“We’re giving this great community concept a go which promotes visiting Narooma,” said Rotary VP David McInnes. “Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, there’s a substantial first prize valued at over $1,200 – winner takes all. Various organisations around Narooma are selling tickets; they benefit by retaining 80% of proceeds for their groups.”

The balance goes to Narooma Rotary to cover costs and to contribute to the long term community project – Carers’ Accommodation at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH).

The raffle will be drawn on 7th September in time for the annual whale watching season.

The prize is:

  • A whale watching tour for two (Narooma Charters)
  • Two nights accommodation waterfront cabin* (Easts Holiday Parks Narooma)
  • *Condition: Easts’ prize can only be redeemed outside of school holidays.  
  • 2 x 4hr E-Bike Hire with Gourmet Picnic (Southbound Escapes)
  • 2 x $70 Meal Voucher (Club Narooma/ Club Dalmeny)
  • $30 voucher (Montague Coffee, Narooma)

Narooma Chamber of Commerce supports the raffle and has contributed to printing costs.

Tickets are available from WIRES, Southbound Escapes, Tilba Public School P & C, Narooma Lions, Bodalla Soccer, Oz Harvest, Narooma Junior Rugby League Football Club and Montague Art & Craft Society. Tickets will also be on sale at the August Narooma Markets from WIRES’ stand.

David said additional potential benefits include sparing organisations the task of soliciting raffle prizes as well as reducing the number of raffle requests to local businesses.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 25 July 2024

Julie’s Jots

Many of us had a most enjoyable dinner at the Food Mantra by Wildfire restaurant near the bottom pub. We will have another informal dinner at Lynch’s Restaurant next month.

This Thursday we welcome our exchange student Hilma Koskiniemi from Finland when she flies into Moruya. I know I speak for us all when I wish her an absolutely wonderful year with us. Several of us will be there to welcome her complete with flags etc. including Hilma’s first host family the Penglases, Lachie’s family. She meets all members officially on Thursday 8th August.

Also this Thursday night we welcome our friends from Moruya Rotary for a fun night for the great annual Cinders Trivia Challenge. Who will win the much coveted Cinders Trophy this year? All up we’re expecting about 50 people which includes 17 from Moruya. A busy Thursday for some of us!

Don’t forget our Markets this Sunday. I understand there are still a few spare spots so please see David this Thursday if you haven’t already put your name down.


6 for 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club: Our great annual Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotary friends. Cost is $25 per head for dinner (one course alternate drops). Bookings were essential with Gero.

The Week that Was

Rory heads to Oxford

How wonderful to hear from our 2020 Rotary Tertiary Scholar Rory Spurgeon this week, via his then counsellor PP Bob Aston.

Rory Spurgeon at 2021 Youth Night

“Sorry I haven’t been to a meeting in a long while. I’ve been busy all year with Chemistry Honours. I still thought the club might like to know what I’ve been up to though and what the scholarship has allowed me to do. A couple of weeks ago I graduated with my degree of Bachelor of Science Advanced with first class honours. I also got majors in Chemistry and Physics and a minor in Math.

“The marks I’ve got have granted me admission to the University of Oxford where I will study a Masters of Theoretical and Computation Chemistry. This will be a year of coursework starting in October and I am so keen for it. I’m so excited to learn more and I’m so grateful to you and the Rotary Club which allowed me to do this. I still don’t know what I want to do after though, but probably a PhD and maybe further research or teaching.

“I’ll be in Narooma for a couple of weeks in August but I’ll be out of the country otherwise so if you or Rotary would like a chat or anything I’d be happy to FaceTime or sort something out.”

Here’s hoping we can catch up with Rory in person!

Out and About

From Moruya Rotary

Moruya Rotary reports their board meeting of the new Rotary year and first club assembly under new President Allan Veness were very positive and productive. Good ideas flowed and a plan for the next 12 months is in place. Moruya Club has set three goals:

  1. Increase and retain membership
  2. Make a real difference in our local community
  3. Ensure sustainability of the kiosk [at Moruya Jockey Club] as this is our major source of fundraising.

From Batemans Bay Rotary

The Bay called its Changeover more of a ‘Rollover’ with President Pam Thorpe doing a second term as President. DG Rob Uhl was again at that Changeover; think she has been to Bega, ours, Moruya’s and the Bay’s which is really quite something. Their main donations were to CAN Assist, the Carers Accommodation Eurobodalla Rural Hospital and St Cecila’s Music Society.

Among their awards was ‘Rotarian of the Year’ to Neil Simpson to show the Club’s appreciation of his work as co-ordinator of Rotary Youth Driver Awareness and as Market Manager.


No Dinner.

5.30pm           BOARD MEETING

Narooma Rotary Beacon 18 July 2024

Julie’s Jots

President Julie Hartley

Our dinner last Thursday night was a relaxed evening with lots of fellowship as well as catching up on what was discussed at the Board meeting.  

Ann Hegerty gave us an exposé on her working life.  She now has time to relax from the many jobs she has had over the years.  Ann, Francoise and Laurelle have formed a marketing committee to promote our Club and activities. Thank you ladies for stepping up and taking on the challenge.

Our community raffle is being well received by groups in our community and they will be out and about raising money as well as Rotary’s profile in the community. We will also sell some raffle tickets at our markets.

Don’t forget our great annual Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotary Club is on Thursday week (25th). Please invite family and friends to join us in the fun and to contribute to our Narooma Trivia ‘brains trust’


We go out on the town this Thursday with an informal dinner at 6.30pm at Food Mantra by Wildlfire (just near the bottom pub). We need firm numbers please (see note at end of Beacon).

The Week that Was

Lynn Hastings, Ange Urichsen and Julie Hartley took over the kitchen at the Sport & Leisure Centre last Tuesday for the PCYC’s NAIDOC event. (Laurence took the photo)

Several members – President Julie, Ange Ulrichsen, Lynn Hastings and Laurence Babington – represented the Club at the Sport & Leisure Centre (S&LC) last Tuesday cooking sausage sandwiches for an event organised by PCYC for NAIDOC Week. Not busy, but good to do.

[A little history: The S&LC was built by Rotary in 1985 to enable all weather skating. It was a mammoth project for the Club, and for many years the Club also managed the facility. It was used for afternoon indoor sports, blue light discos bi-monthly and weekly roller skating. When the High School burned down in 1988, it was used for emergency classrooms until demountables could be used. Also, Rotary was instrumental in establishing PCYC many years ago.]

Out and About

Narooma students to Engineering Summer School

Along with sponsoring a three-member team from Narooma High to the Model United Nations Assembly in Canberra next month, our Club is also sponsoring one of two Narooma High students the Club has organised to go to the Engineering Summer School (ESS) in December. The School and Engineers Australia AND Engineers Australia are likely to sponsor the second.

The two ESS students are Harmony Cannon in Year and Ziggy Kewetin Smith, both in Year 11. Harmony is a long-time member of the RoboRebels and is working hard towards her long term goal of studying engineering at university. Ziggy is currently doing Engineering studies and Chemistry and achieving at an outstanding level.

The five-day fully residential ESS is facilitated by Engineers Australia, the Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, Sydney’s five engineering universities and industry leaders. ESS brings together promising students who are about to enter their final year of high school in NSW and ACT and provides them  an introduction to the key engineering universities and an insight into the vast number of disciplines encompassed by engineering. Students will experience a fast paced and exacting programme at University of Sydney, University of NSW, UTS, Macquarie and University of Wollongong and see behind the scenes at five Engineering projects/ organisations. Other highlights include career chats with young engineers and graduates and an Official Awards Dinner.

The ESS is recognised by involved universities. Attendance is acknowledged and can contribute to supporting each student’s ATAR scores when applying for degree courses.

Bay Rotary bids farewell to food van

Like Narooma’s old food van, Batemans Bay’s food van is off to a new ‘home’

At Batemans Bay Changeover on Thursday, the Club will hand over its trusty food van to Yumaro. Their last week’s bulletin referred to it fondly. “She has had a special place in our hearts with much fun and deep conversations as we cooked and sugared endless donuts. She has been to markets, Camping Expos, Christmas Carol Services and was used during the bushfires. However with our commitment twice monthly to the Rotary Markets, we are no longer using Le Van and to know that she will be used by Yumaro clients to gain new skills in food handling and customer service is the best possible outcome.” The Bay van also sold hot and cold drinks.

Yumaro is a registered charity and NDIS service provider offering employment, training, lifestyle, accommodation and home and community support services to over 140 people with a permanent disability in the Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven regions.


6 for 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club: Our great annual Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotary Club. Please invite family and friends to join us in the fun and to contribute to our Narooma Trivia ‘brains trust’. Cost is $25 per head for dinner (one course alternate drops). Firm numbers to Gero by Monday 22nd evening  at the latest – need numbers from Moruya at the same time

Narooma Rotary Beacon 11 July 2024

Our Club will sponsor a three-member team from Narooma High to MUNA in Canberra next month. Shown is last year’s Narooma High team addressing MUNA from Jordan’s viewpoint of world affairs.

Julie’s Jots

We’re all really looking forward to the arrival of our Finnish exchange student Hilma Koskiniemi; we hope she has an absolutely wonderful year with us.  Hilma arrives on the 25th July, the same day as our annual Cinders Trivia Challenge.

Last Thursday was my first Board meeting as President and we achieved a lot. Discussion about what’s planned for the next 12 months points to another really fulfilling year for our Club.  Plans include sponsoring a three-student team from Narooma High to the Model United Nations Assembly in Canberra next month (more details below) plus two students from Narooma High to the Engineering  Summer School in December (more details next week). Sponsoring students to the week-long Engineering school is something our Club has supported in the past.

This Tuesday (8th) a few of us are cooking sausages for a PCYC event organised for NAIDOC Week in the Sport and Leisure Centre. PCYC is supplying the food; we’re just cooking using the Centre’s kitchen. We’re gathering there abut 11.30, ready to serve up about 12.30. If anyone would like to assist (no idea how busy we will be), just turn up.

The great Cinders Trivia Challenge with Moruya Rotary Club is on the 25th. Please invite family and friends to join us in the fun and to contribute to our Narooma Trivia ‘brains trust’.

Hilma says “Hi!”

Hilma fishing, but with a winter twist. It’s ice-fishing on a frozen river!

Greetings from the Arctic Circle! My name is Hilma and I am a 16 year old girl from northern Finland. The exciting news is that in just a couple of weeks, I will become an exchange student and start a new life in Narooma! That’s something I am very excited, but also a little nervous about.

Here in Finland I live in Lapland in a city called Rovaniemi. I think that Finland is maybe best known for its winters and white snow. Rovaniemi is no exception. Although it can be beautiful out here, the long winter also means almost constant darkness for at least five months of the year. That’s one of the reasons why I am really happy to travel to the other side of the world and finally see the sun!! 

Besides the different weather, there are also plenty of reasons why I wanted to become an exchange student and come to Australia. I think that I am naturally a very adventurous and curious person. Maybe that’s why I think that a year spent so far away from home seems like a unique and fun chance for me, rather than something super scary. Australia as my final destination is truly a dream come true.

I said earlier that I am 16. In Finland it means that I have just finished my first year of high school. I am currently in the middle of my summer holidays. During school term, I spend my evenings either swimming or in volleyball practice. Swimming and volleyball have been my hobbies since elementary school. I really hope to have a chance to do those things while I am in Narooma too! More than anything, I am looking forward to trying as many new things as I can and gaining special, once in a lifetime experiences!

All in all, I am very excited to get to know all of you, when I am finally coming at the end of July! 


6 for 6.30pm at the Golf Club: Club Dinner – previously called Club Assembly, and very briefly ‘This is Us’. We wil be hearing a bit about her life from one of our new members Ann Hegerty. Please make sure you tell Gero by noon Tuesday if you are coming or not (it affects which room we have).

The Week that Was

We inspire Narooma High students

Narooma Rotary will again sponsor a team of three Narooma High students to the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra next month with teacher Monique Wicks. Director Ange Ulrichsen reported at the Board meeting she recently met the team of Harmony Cannon Yr 11, Ruben Smithers Yr 10 and Bethany Owen-Roberts Yr 10.

MUNA is a competitive project where senior students participate in a UN Assembly-style debate in the Museum of Democracy (Old Parliament House) with teams from other schools across NSW and the ACT. They debate resolutions from the point of view of the country they were allocated. It’s an invaluable experience promoting international understanding and goodwill.

In past years NHS has been allocated a country in the Middle East which has been particularly challenging; this year the team has been allocated the United Kingdom which may also prove to be just as challenging following the upheaval in British politics with the elections.

MUNA is on 16-18 August. The students and Monique will report back to us on their MUNA experience the following Thursday (22nd August). It is always an inspiring night so please invite partners and friends.

Community benefits from expanded Whale Watching Raffle

Our popular Whale Watching raffle has been expanded this year into a community raffle. Details below. Photo from out near Barunguba, courtesy Darryl Stuart.

Our dynamo David McInnes, also Chamber of Commerce Secretary, has expanded Narooma Rotary’s annual Whale Watching Raffle into a community raffle with the theme ‘Experience Narooma’. “We’re giving this community concept a go,” David said with enthusiasm plus. Reports to last week’s Board meeting suggest it certainly will be ‘a goer’.

Thanks to the generosity of local businesses there is a substantial first prize – winner takes all. It also offers various community groups the opportunity to benefit by selling tickets in the raffle, retaining 80% of proceeds.  The balance will go to Narooma Rotary to cover costs and to contribute to the Carers’ Accommodation project at the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH). Benefits include sparing organisations the task of soliciting raffle prizes and it possibly reduces the number of raffle requests to local businesses.

Prizes are:

  • A whale watching tour for two (Narooma Charters)
  • Two nights accommodation waterfront cabin (Easts Holiday Parks Narooma)
  • 2 x 4hr E-Bike Hire with Gourmet Picnic (Southbound Escapes)
  • 2 x $70 Meal Voucher (Club Narooma/ Club Dalmeny)
  • $30 voucher (Montague Coffee, Narooma)

The Chamber of Commerce has contributed to printing costs. Several organisations have already taken tickets, for example Tilba Public School’s P & C to sell at the Tilba Festival. Our Club will also sell tickets at the July and August Narooma Markets. It will be drawn 7th September.

We embrace ‘People of Action’

Our Club is embracing Rotary International’s dynamic ‘People of Action’ campaign to more accurately describe the extraordinary work Rotary Clubs do. It is designed to help each club tell its story of local impact. You will see our branding as ‘People of Action’ gradually roll out in coming months.

It strives to bring Rotary to life for those who don’t know us by showing the difference Clubs like ours make in our communities. It also ensures that no matter where you are in the world, Rotary’s message is the same. Rotary unites leaders around the globe behind one goal: to do more good, to work together in their communities to inspire, transform, connect and celebrate what’s possible.

Out and About

Donation to Cobargo Scouts

The Club has received a lovely note of appreciation from 1st Cobargo Scouts for our $500 donation towards the cost of sending their large contingent to the Next Australian Jamboree in January. It came with this photo. A similar amount was donated by Bega Rotary. We wish them well.

1st Cobargo Scouts includes young people from Narooma to Bega. Over 20 intend going on what should be a fabulous experience. They have been working hard for some months with raffles to raise funds for their travel and accommodation.  They will send us photos from the Jamboree.

From Batemans Bay Club

The Bay Club has a long association with medical students from the ANU Rural Medical School while they’re on a year’s rural placement in the Eurobodalla as part of their training. The Club also awards two scholarships each year to the Year 3 students.

Last week the Bay’s guest speaker was the School’s Associate Professor Karen Flegg who spoke about one aspect of the student’s rural year – their time in the Outback. Usually, only one of the medical students based at the Bay selects to experience this form of rural medicine, but this year all four have gone.

They fly to Alice Springs for orientation and then are disbursed to remote areas. Associate Professor Flegg spoke about the experience they will have, such as at Yuendumu which is over 3 hours NW from Alice Springs, a town of 1000 people. There is no mobile coverage, the Big Shop and the Little Shop, a very strong Arts community and football is an important part of town life. The Medical Centre has an in-house Pharmacy with basic medications. Doctors are in town on four days each week, but most medical centres are run and organised by nurses. On the students’ return, they share their experiences with Bay Rotarians which is a highlight of the Club’s year.

Invitation to Batemans Bay Changeover

RC Batemans Bay Changeover or ‘Rollover’ will be on Thursday 18 July at the Soldiers Club 6 for 6.30pm. Secretary Neil Simpson needs to know by 11 July. District Governor Rob Uhl will be attending. There are dress guidelines… “This is collar and tie event gentlemen. Rotary honours are to be worn.”


No Business Breakfast. They resume in September after a winter break.

6.30pm: Social Dinner at Food Mantra by Wildlfire Restaurant (just near the bottom pub). We need firm numbers beforehand.