Short words by bob ant
Last night’s meeting was a chance for members to give feedback anonymously on two issues: Donuts and “The Elephant in the Room!” .
Donuts have been synonymous with Rotary in Narooma (and elsewhere) for many, many years. But now we must look to “manage risk” and minimise the chance of injury. Whilst no one has been seriously injured, the possibility of injury has to be considered and discussed. After investigating to make our current set up safer, no suitable answers have been found. Research is ongoing, but until we can be satisfied that we are managing the risk correctly, we have no choice but to suspend donut-making from this next market. Thank you to all who have participated in this discussion.
The second issue is being addressed. I have sent an email to all members.
At last night’s Board meeting, we approved Paris Blessington to go to Rotary Adventure in Citizenship. RAIC is an intensive and fun-filled, week-long programme to help prepare young adults for full participation as citizens of Australia. Held in Canberra, it will enable Paris to gain knowledge of how our Federal Government operates. She is a worthy student, who with the help of our Club and Youth Directors, has taken advantage of past opportunities made available and has grown. We look forward to finding out how this week goes on her return.
My thanks to Rod, our Secretary, for all his work on the Board meeting minutes, agenda and keeping track on what is transpiring. Thank you to the members of the Board and the Club for input and hard work for not only Rotary Narooma but our whole community. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful group of people.
Eddie the Eagle is the latest movie for Polio Plus – unfortunately, we won’t be able to have it for the Premiere, however we will still have it for a special screening on Thursday 5th May.
Have a great weekend and I hope you find some magic along the way.
Clean up Australia Day
A great effort by a small but dedicated group of Rubbish-Removing-Rotarians. No picture of the black snake that gave Fred something to think about !

Shelter Box and Shelter Box Kits
Fred Fawke was here for a visit at the last meeting and he brought us up to date with the latest news on Shelter Boxes. The new policy is best summarised as “Horses for Courses”. In many cases buildings are partially damaged, and a tarpaulin and some tools to fix it with are all that’s needed. So we now also distribute Shelter Box kits; these are smaller and cheaper and often more suited to the needs of the disaster survivors.
Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards
Michael Edwards (born 5 December 1963), better known as Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards, is a British skier who in 1988 became the first competitor to represent Great Britain in Olympic ski jumping. At the time, he was the British ski jumping record holder (a record later broken by others), the world number nine in amateur speed skiing, (106.8 mph (171.9 km/h)) and the stunt jumping world record holder (10 cars/6 buses). Finishing last in the 70m and 90m events, he became famous as an example of an underdog or “heroic failure”, and of perseverance and achievement without funding. In 2016, he was portrayed by Taron Egerton in the biographical film Eddie the Eagle, co-starring Hugh Jackman as fictional coach Bronson Peary.
RYDA 2016
Neil Simpson from Rotary Batemans Bay is organising the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) program this year on behalf of the Rotary Clubs of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma. He has taken over from Derek Anderson (Moruya) who has so capably organised RYDA in recent years (with thanks).
This year it is expected that, with the help of Rotary, RYDA will be delivered to 50 000 students from 500 schools in 90 venues across Australia and New Zealand.
Our RYDA course will be held on Monday April 4th and Tuesday April 5th 2016 at the Moruya Jockey Club.
Year 11 students from St Peters Anglican College, Carroll College and Moruya High School will attend on Monday 4 April with Year 11 students from Batemans Bay and Narooma High Schools attending on Tuesday 5 April.
The RYDA program content has now been completely revised and updated and two sessions have been replaced altogether.
The program focusses on speeding, distractions and impairments; strategies (having a plan); the role of the passenger; personal reflection on their own risks and behaviours and interactivity (group work and discussion). Student participants now get their own goals, plans and strategies booklet to take home and they use that booklet in every session.
RYDA is now more interactive with less facilitator talk and more discussion, making it more engaging for participants. It is intended for those just commencing their learner driving instruction.
RYDA a joint project with our three clubs and we are again asking for your support.
Batemans Bay Rotary is arranging volunteers to set up and pack up, provide morning tea on both days and accompany student participants from St Peters, Carroll and Batemans Bay High on both days. Batemans Bay club held a bare foot bowls afternoon as their contribution towards costs.
Moruya Rotary is providing lunch to all participants and presenters on both days of RYDA as their contribution towards costs. Moruya will also be seeking three Rotarians to accompany the student groups from Moruya High School (Monday).
Narooma Rotary is providing bus transport for Narooma students as their contribution towards costs and will need three Rotarians to accompany the student groups from Narooma High School (Tuesday).
Potentially there are 330 Year 11 students in our Shire who could attend RYDA and we are making every effort to ensure that most attend.
We look forward to your support of this life saving program again this year!
Neil Simpson
Rotary Batemans Bay
Meal Costs
At the board meeting it was decided that due to the fact that $3 of each meal goes toward paying for the guest speaker’s meal that those who do not choose to participate in the meal, should contribute $3.00 each week to help with these costs.
The wheel, happy moments and the $3 are the funds we raise toward administration which covers guest speakers meals and other sundries from time to time.
Foundation Seminar
As part of our continued effort in keeping Members informed and up to date with our Charity “The ROTARY FOUNDATION” you are invited to attend an information Seminar on the Foundation. The information available at the Seminar will cover the many programs of the Foundation as well as give an update on Foundation activity in our District and part of the criteria for access to District Grants is for someone from every Club to attend an information session. It will also give you an opportunity to meet the District 9710 Foundation Team for 2016/17. Please pass on this invitation to all interested Rotarians in your Club that may wish to learn a little more about our Foundation.
It is anticipated that the Seminar will commence at 10.30 for an 11.00am start, coffee / tea / water and biscuits will be available on arrival. The Rotary Foundation Seminar will be held on Sunday the 20th March 2016 at Raiders Belconnen, Hardwick Crescent HOLT. A light lunch will be provided and we are planning for the seminar to conclude no later than 4.00pm.
Gratuitous Picture of the Newsletter Editor
“Yours Truly” and his extra-ordinary wife !

Quota FundRaiser
Join Quota Narooma for a Fundraising Film Presentation of
The Lady in the Van, starring Maggie Smith
Truth is stranger than fiction in this comedy based on the real-life tale of a homeless woman, Miss Shepherd (Maggie Smith) who parks her van in the driveway of a house owned by playwright Alan Bennett (Alex Jennings) and lives there for 15 years
WHERE: At The Kinema
Time: 6.30pm For 7.00pm Screening Thursday 10th March
Cost: $20.00 Including Light Supper & Refreshments
Bookings Or Pre-Purchase Of Tickets Advised
Phone The Kinema 44762352
Or Email: Kinemaweeklyemail@Gmail.Com
Everybody Welcome
Funds raised will support Quota’s Hearing and Speech local community projects.