Global Climate Day
These guys look happy – could it be they are optimistic for a good outcome at the Paris Climate Change Conference?
With the current focus on Paris and the potential of global cooperation to reduce emissions, it seems timely to share some information on local and community options for renewable energy. The following organisations provide much needed opportunities, especially for people who are renting or otherwise not able to use their own rooftop.
CLEARSKY is a not-for-profit company – an offshoot of Clean Energy For Eternity (CEFE) in Bega. Investors put their money into a trust, which funds the installation of solar panels for a fixed period of typically 7 years. Suitable candidates for an installation are sites where power is used during the day, for example the IRT or Estia Health at Dalmeny. After 7 years the end user owns the installation, and the investors receive their money back plus interest, a win-win for everyone.
SOLAR SHARE is a community solar farm in the ACT, anyone can join, with a minimum investment of $500. The investment is as safe as they come – with a 20 year ACT Government backed contract.
CORENA is an organisation that accepts donations which are then used to provide interest-free loans to community organisations to pay for solar installations and energy efficiency measures. The loans are repaid over time, and their repayments help fund subsequent projects. Your money provides tangible reductions in carbon emissions almost immediately, and keeps on working far into the future! Suitable to those with a philanthropic urge. In our area they have provided rooftop system to Tulgeen Disability Services in Bega.
At our last meeting, Peter Bull gave a very interesting short talk, comparing taxis and the service provided by UberX. There was some spirited discussion following Peter’s talk. Coincidentally, there was an article in the current edition of “Choice”, so if you want to know more, try to grab a copy of the November edition from the library or your nearest newsagency.
Raffle Tickets
Raffle ticket sales for the Moruya Rotary Christmas Race Meeting on 20th Dec will be outside the Narooma Newsagency and IGA on the Flat over the next two weeks. If you can help, let Lynda know. She has the cash tin and some posters if you need them.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM on the 10th Dec needs people to nominate for positions. Don’t wait to be asked, please let Michael know if you are willing to take a position.
The biggest pain in being president is finding people to fill essential roles within the club. Most roles can be filled by two people sharing the load.
Abundant Water
from Joshua Parsons
Dear fellow Rotary family members. I would like to tell you all about a guy I met some time ago now by the name of Sunny Forsyth’s work with Abundant Water. We met at RYLA in 2013 where Sunny talked about the work that he and the Abundent Water team have been working on in Laos, training people to make a clay pottery water filter which was designed at the ANU. They train women to make filters which enable them to earn an income operating a small business selling water filters to their communities to allow for clean water.
But firstly a little about me, I am a member of the Rotaract Club of University of Canberra,
2009 RYE Student to Lund Sweden from Canberra Australia,
2013 RYLA D9710 participant,
2014 IRYLA Participant,
RYE Committee Member D9710 as of 2014
I personally think this is a great project and I would really like to hear feed back as well as the knowledge that you have taken this to your clubs and shared this amazing project.
A little bit about Abundant Water’s new project in Nepal.
Many women with histories of exploitation and abuse have been left particularly vulnerable in the wake of the 2015 Nepalese earthquakes.
Remarkably, however, ten of these women have called on us to help them to make and sell claypot water filters.
Training will bring clean drinking water, an opportunity for these women to establish their own water filter businesses, an opportunity for these women to become community leaders, and hence an opportunity for this project to be sustainable in the long term.
You can be a main character in this inspiring story of change.
The Women’s Rehabilitation Centre Nepal (WOREC) and Abundant Water co-production is called our ‘Tell a Story of Abundance’ campaign. For more information visit:
If you would like to be more involved then join our social media team
We need to raise $20 000. So all help is welcome. The campaign is up and running as of Tuesday, 24 November 2015.
We are offering rewards to connect, inspire, and inform our donors to tell their own Story of Abundance: from a big social media shout out, to an exclusive end of workshop group call with Noukham and one of her Nepali trainees, or an online master class where Abundant Water leaders share the secrets of our success. Our rewards will connect, inspire, and inform you to tell your own Story of Abundance.
Please help raise awareness by sharing the Facebook group with your friends. Regards
Kind Regards,
Joshua Parsons & The Abundant Water team
More pictures from “Boats Afloat”
Ha Ha
The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.
Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.