President Elect Julie Hartley and Vice President David McInnes at the launch of the Club’s new food van at Sunday’s market.
All members at Sunday’s Market were delighted to have our new food van finally in action. In launching the van, VP David McInnes explained that the purchase of the new van and generator was made possible thanks to a grant from Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation.
David McInnes launches our new food van at Sunday’s Market.
“This will enable the Club to better respond to future emergencies and calls to remote areas, as well as continuing to raise funds at the markets for the many community programmes and projects, locally and globally, that the Club supports,” he said. It shows that Narooma Rotarians are indeed ‘People of Action’, sharing a passion with other Rotarians working to improve our communities and the world.
Members enjoyed moving into the new modern fit-for-purpose van on Sunday after the anticipation built up over the last 12 months. For those members who worked on the van project, it was wonderful to get such a great ‘thumbs up’ from so many people at the markets. Former Area Governor Adam de Totth popped by for the launch.
Acknowledging our sponsors
Community Banks are located at Bega, Pambula and Bombala. David also acknowledged the continuing support of Easts Holiday Parks and Narooma Community Men’s Shed with storing and transporting the van. More signage and equipment will be added as funds become available.
Our old van has been sold to Southbound Escapes; it will be ‘re-purposed’ as a coffee van; indications are we won’t recognise it! The old van and barbecue did great service over the years, particularly during the bushfire emergency and highlighted the need for the Club to be able to respond again in any future emergency.
Showing the working relationship of the van and cooking area. The van is also equipped to enable cooking inside should it be needed.
Tuesday 30 April 5-6.30pm:
Our Club is co-hosting with ONE New Level 4 Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Advocates in a Q & A Discussion at Narooma Golf Club. The whole community is invited to hear how these planned improvements will benefit the entire Eurobodalla community. Planning for Level 4 services in the new Regional Hospital includes an 8-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and local Radiotherapy Services. The panel of experts includes Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland, representatives from Southern Area Health and Eurobodalla Shire Mayor Matt Hatcher.
Wednesday 1 May:
Thursday 2 May:
No Dinner Meeting. Board Meeting 5.15pm at Golf Club
The Week that Was
Our Market
It was a great market on Sunday attracting many holiday visitors as well as our regulars. It was the last weekend in the NSW/ ACT school holidays and of course the Anzac Day weekend, so Narooma was buzzing. We took $1,245 at the gate, $134.60 in the wishing well, and the new van grossed $736.50. So a total of $2,115.10 before expenses.
Out and About
From Batemans Bay Rotary
Batemans Bay Rotary’s Board meeting last week began considering a discussion paper presented by Secretary Neil Simpson on ways to reduce the cost of Rotary membership to members. Their hope is to reduce Club Dues to $100pa from the next Rotary year. Neil is researching several options. Our Club for one will be watching closely…
Thursday 9 May: Club Assembly – 6 for 6.30 at Narooma Golf Club
At our Pride of Workmanship Awards last week: Chantelle Rogers of Narooma Preschool, left,Jacob Williams of Southern Euro Plumbing, Zoe Williams of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter, Cyndi Clark of Maven Dental, Barbara Collett of IRT, Sujata Gyawali of Estia, Anne Jessop of Eastwood’s Bermagui, Heather Billington of Swan Plumbing Narooma, our Rotarians David McInnes, Françoise Cleret and Laurelle Pacey.
Pride of Workmanship Awards
Eight local businesses recognised valued employees at our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards at a delicious dinner at Club Dalmeny last Thursday. These Awards give local business people the opportunity to publicly recognise one of their staff who goes above and beyond. As Our MC David McInnes said, “It’s a chance to show their appreciation to someone with outstanding qualities in terms of approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to their job. Most importantly, Pride of Workmanship is not a competition. It’s recognition of individual achievement and commitment.”
Awards were presented to:
Anne Jessop of Eastwood’s Bermagui
Sujata Gyawali of Estia Health Dalmeny
Barbara Collett of IRT Dalmeny
Cyndi Clark of Maven Dental Narooma
Chantelle Rogers of Narooma Community Preschool
Zoe Williams of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter
Jacob Williams of Southern Euro Plumbing
Heather Billington of Swan Plumbing Narooma.
These Awards are a highlight of our Club’s year. It is always quite moving to hear what some employers say when nominating an awardee. What these Awards show is that these businesses care about their employees and our community is the richer for that. Our POW awards were organised by Françoise Cleret and Laurelle Pacey.
Business Breakfast
At Thursday’s Business Breakfast Laurelle Pacey, Mike Young with guest speaker Carrie Taylor, GM of Narooma Rocks
What a great turnout from business people on Thursday morning for our Business Breakfast to hear Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor update us on the Narooma Oysters Festival, now less than two weeks away 3-4 May. Narooma Oyster Festival, now in its 17th year, has grown to be southern NSW’s premium food and drink event.
Last year about 9,500 attended the Festival; 80% came from outside the local area, predominantly Sydney, Canberra, Illawarra and the Shoalhaven; almost 90% came just for the Festival, and most people attending are aged 25-52. Last year, the Festival injected an estimated $3.4m into the local economy.
Organising this Festival is not for the faint-heated. It is a gigantic undertaking with Chair Cath Peachey, Carrie and the volunteer organising committee worrying about the weather, whether south coast oysters will be available, and whether they will cover costs which this year are expected to approach $800,000.
Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor
Carrie said it is “a difficult business model” and they are aiming for financial sustainability outside of grant funding. They try to contain costs by keeping the event as simple as they can, for example they have done away with the Saturday night after party. Infrastructure and security costs are considerable and a lot of grant programmes “have dried up”.
Carrie spoke about the huge contribution from the 150 volunteers (including some of our Rotarians!), outlined events on Friday night as well as the many highlights on Saturday which is the big day. New events this year include Rock Oyster Week leading up to the Festival, and the Champagne and Oyster Master Class on Saturday. Full details are on the Festival webpage.
Working bee on vans
Thanks to everyone who turned up at the working bee on Saturday to transfer stuff from the old to the new van and chuck surplus ‘stuff’ – David, Julie, Ange, John, Gero and Laurelle, assisted by David’s nephew Lachie. Mick Pepper has completed the signage to date.
The purchase of the new van was made possible by our successful grant application to the Bendigo Bank’s Community Enterprise Foundation. The van’s first outing will be to our market this coming Sunday when we will launch it. We still have some internal reorganisation ahead of us to get it all working smoothly. Once the bain-marie is moved into the new van, the old van will be ready to hand over to the new owner.
Tuesday 13 April: Invitation to join Moruya Rotarians to hear from Dr Michael Holland
Thursday 25 April: No Meeting – Anzac Day
Sunday 28 April: Our Market – John is sending around the roster during the week.
Out and About
From Moruya Rotary
A moving column in this week’s Moruya Bulletin by President Derek Anderson about the Bondi Junction tragedy. It included this interesting note about Police Inspector Amy Scott who ended the rampage when she shot the person who had caused so much trauma.
“Amy Scott, in 2019, was recognised at the Rotary Club Police officer of the award ceremony in Sydney when she received the Demonstrated Courage and Devotion to Duty award. The Rotary Club Police officer of the Year recognises outstanding police officers who are nominated by their local Commanders, and after a selection process across the state, the eventual award winners are selected in various categories. And as we saw, Inspector Scott demonstrated her courage and devotion in Bondi Junction.”
Last week PP Shirl’s enthusiasm was again shown when she talked about her recent visit to the Philippines on the RAWCS project about sexual health. This was her second visit in five years, and it appears there has been some improvement in the attitudes of the young people.
Out and About
Rotary International Convention in May
The Rotary International Convention is in Singapore next month (25-29 May) where RI will be ‘Sharing Hope with the World’. Registrations are still open. PP Shirl Cornish will have a stand in the House of Friendship. The Convention promises a programme of influential speakers, including John Hewko whose role is General Secretary and CEO of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation. He leads a diverse staff of 800 at RI’s World Headquarters in Evanston and seven international offices. His parent Rotary Club is Kiev in the Ukraine.
Wednesday 1 May: Prostate Cancer Support Group 6.30pm Narooma Golf Club
Thursday 2 May: No Dinner Meeting. Board Meeting 5.15pm at Golf Club
Our guest speaker Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor will talk about the rapidly approaching Narooma Oyster Festival on 3-4 May, its many attractions, and the challenges of staging the Festival. We have 27 people booked which is fabulous, including quite a few new faces. Bookings have now closed.It is 7am sharp at Narooma Surf Club. Breakfast costs $10.
Annual Pride of Workmanship Awards (also on 18th)
This is 6 for 6.30pm at Club Dalmeny. We have eight nominations this year which is a wonderful response. That means these employers have nominated an employee who goes ‘above and beyond’. This is a prestigious event for the Club, second only to the Changeover; it should be another great ‘feel good’ night with a scrumptious sounding two-course dinner. There will be eight tables of six people; seats have been allocated (no changes please). David McInnes will MC.
10am Working Bee at the vans in Easts Van Village – to sort, ‘chuck’ some and transfer ‘stuff’ into the new van and get the old van ready for transfer to the new owner!! .
The Week that Was
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA)
Some Narooma High Yr 11 students with Julie, Ange and Sergeant Duncome and Constable Britt at RYDA last week.
What a top programme for Yr 11 students, about half of whom were on their learner permits, embarking on a lifetime of driving. This year the 2-day programme at Moruya Racecourse was offered to about 300 Year 11 students attending the five private and state schools across Eurobodalla Shire. Julie Hartley and Ange Ulrichsen represented our Club and guided students to various sessions.
Narooma High took 45 students with three teachers – Pam Walpole, Carly McMahon and Jo Van. St Peters and Carroll College also attended on that day. Our Club sponsors Narooma High to RYDA by paying for the Symons bus.
Six practical sessions featured powerful real-life narratives, speed and braking distances, mind matters, fatigue tips and road choices for safe driving skills. ‘My Life My Choices’ is a powerful theme throughout aimed at increasing students’ awareness and responsibility on the road.
RYDA has operated in the Eurobodalla for 15 years. In that time, about 3,000 local 11 students have attended. A team of dedicated volunteers from the Rotary Clubs of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma organise it; including Moruya Rotarians who cook burgers and chips for everyone including presenters and Rotary volunteers.
RYDA coordinator Neil Simpson has organised the event for many years but is stepping down: we thank him for his time and effort, as do the many young people whose lives may have been saved by attending this valuable course.
Out and About
Narooma to host Finnish Exchange Student
Great news that our Club will host a Finnish exchange student in 2025 which should be a great experience for us all. Our Youth Exchange coordinator Susanna is looking for a couple more host families; for anyone interested please contact her with any questions.
Tuesday 23 April: Narooma Rotarians have been invited to join the RC Moruya at their meeting at Moruya Golf Club 6 for 6.30pm. Guest speaker is Member for Bega Dr Michael Holland. Please book with Moruya Rotary.
Thursday 25 April: No Meeting because of Anzac Day holiday.
What a dapper group! Steve, left, Cale Phelps, John and Françoise line up for the photo shoot for the publicity for our Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride on Sunday 19th May.
6 for 6.30pm: Club Assembly at Narooma Golf Club. We can look forward to hearing about last week’s Board meeting, and Ange Ulrichsen and Julie Hartley will report back from Narooma High Year 11 students attendance at RYDA at Moruya (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) with other Year 11 students from across the Shire.
Coming up
Our Business Networking Breakfast (18th)
Our guest speaker is Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor who will talk about the rapidly approaching Narooma Oyster Festival on 3-4 May, its many attractions, and the challenges of staging the Festival (including the vagaries of the weather!). Please let Laurelle know if you are coming by Monday 15th. Breakfast costs $10 (please let her know if you do not require breakfast).
Pride of Workmanship Awards (also on 18th)
We have seven confirmed nominations for this year’s Pride pf Workmanship Awards presentation next Thursday (18th) at Club Dalmeny, with a possible eighth. That means these employers have nominated an employee who goes ‘above and beyond’. This is a prestigious event for the Club, second only to the Changeover; it should be another great night. David McInnes will be MC.
Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride
We have started our publicity for the first ever Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) in Narooma on Sunday 19 May, organised by our Club. We will need assistance from all members if they are available.
Club organiser Françoise Cleret says the DGR is an annual international charity event that unites riders of classic and vintage styled motorcycles to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.
We are inviting riders of classic and vintage styled motorcycles along the far south coast to join the event.
The stats are sobering… One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their life; in Eurobodalla Shire it is two in three. Globally, one man is lost every minute to suicide, that’s half a million every year. Françoise says, while the cause couldn’t be more serious, the way the DGR raises funds and creates awareness is by having fun in style and dressing ‘dapper’.
All riders must register online for Narooma’ ride at before the day. Riders must ride a classic & vintage style motorcycle (see DGR style guide on webpage), while dressed suitably dapper. Donations are welcome. Please go online, find the Narooma ride and support one or more registered riders. Funds raised will be invested by the DGR’s official charity partner Movember in local and global prostate cancer research and men’s mental health programmes. For Narooma DGR inquiries, please phone Françoise.
The DGR will start and finish at NATA Oval. Assembly no later than 10am. The 21km ride leaves at 11am. A market for community and sporting groups to promote themselves will be held on NATA Oval in conjunction with the DGR. David McInnes is organising the market. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.
Out and About
News from Lachie in Japan
Lachie has had two trips to the Japanese ski fields.
Lachie continues to have a great time. He went on a trip to Tokyo for his 16th birthday with his host mother. He has been twice to the snow, once on a mini Rotary excursion, and once on a school trip. Here are some excerpts from his recent email to Susanna about the Tokyo trip…
“I did many things in Tokyo. We started by taking the Shinkansen from Nagoya to Tokyo. It only took around two hours but it felt like less. Along the way we also saw Mount Fuji, which was incredible looking. In Tokyo, we met up with my host sister who lives in the city. I knew her pretty well already because she was staying at our home in Ogaki for many weeks prior before returning home in Tokyo.
We checked in at a hotel in Gotanda and then made our way to Shibuya, where the famous crossing is. It was one of my top places I wanted to go to in Japan so I was very excited to go there and see it in person. ..We all went to Meiji Jingu, a Shinto shrine surrounded by a surprisingly large amount of trees and parks. Later we went to Shinjuku, which has a lot of the lights and screens you see in videos of Tokyo including the 3D cat.
Later when we went to the Minato region of Tokyo and ate at a Michelin Star restaurant where I was served pizza and a birthday dessert. Then we went to Tokyo tower and saw the city skyline from a night view. The next day, we… went to Toyosu. My host mother and sister went shopping while I went to Team Labs, which has a lot of immersive experiences. It was definitely a major highlight of the trip…We also went to Senso-ji, a Buddhist temple where I bought most of my souvenirs from the Tokyo trip.
Another major event that happened recently was going with my host mother to Takayama, a town in central Gifu prefecture surrounded by mountains. It was my host mother’s home town, so we saw her family along with more tourist-like activities. .. By the time we got to our next destination which was an outdoor museum, it had begun snowing quite heavily which made the experience even more enjoyable.
Not long after we went to one of my host mother’s sister’s hotel. Her sister told me I should try the small bathhouse/onsen since there was nobody else using it at that time, so I did. After we returned home.
Lachie Penglase celebrated his 16th birthday in Tokyo with his host mother and sister
This will be a double Rotary day for some of us
7am – Narooma Rotary Business Networking Breakfast at the Surf Club. Please book with Laurelle by Monday 15th.
6 for 6.30pm – Our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards Club Dalmeny