Outside the Square
This is my first posting for 2017 and there are only a few more to go before I head off to WA – I can hear the sigh of relief from some quarters that there will be less of this guff to read.
I thought that after our Christmas Party on the 15th that I would have a break, that was wishful thinking.
On the 18 December we had the very successful fund raising meeting at Moruya races where THE GREAT NEWS is that we will have enough funds to purchase four YES four defibrillators for our area. So put your thinking caps on (aka Sean Bunny – see who can work that one out) and figure out where we should put them.
We then immediately went into selling duck race tickets; which was then followed by a hectic but great markets on the 28 December. Once again Rotary was working in Narooma right up to the end of December.
I was also in the throes of working out a detailed Risk Assessment for the 1000km walk (the family seemed a bit worried that I might fall off a cliff, get bitten by a red back spider or snake, or some1001 other things that might happen). We also developed a schedule making sure I could stop for resupplies etc.
After a very pleasant Christmas despite spending some of Christmas Eve and Day (to 3.00am and then all afternoon) at Moruya hospital with our youngest who was ill and needed intravenous antibiotics.
The first weeks of January were a bit hectic with call outs to a fatal accident and a house fire for RFS and bucket runs for our brigade. We also had more duck selling outside IGA’s, a Newsagency, and at the Caravan Parks.
By this stage I had my pack up to 21kg, and putting in some training so that I could last up to 1000km or if you like 1,5000,000 steps thereabouts.
The logistics of preparing some 150 meals was extreme: dehydrating all the ingredients and then vacuum packing each meal. It took about 2 – 3 days to get enough ingredients dehydrated to make about 6 dinners (breakfasts did not need dehydrating so was much quicker). Peter and Julie Hartley came up with another dehydrator for me, so I could do 6 dinners in 1 1/2 days. Amazing what you learn what to do when you take on a Rotary Project.
I could not believe it when I pulled a tendon in the back of my leg. Fortunately, I was going to Tamworth for the Country Music Festival so I was forced to rest it. Tamworth was an interesting experience, I received many positive responses to our 1000km walk.
Alas I was unable to attend the Markets on 22 January as I needed to be in Sydney, but by all reports it was a great market. This was followed by the Duck Race and I had the pleasure today (30 January) of presenting the cheque to the winner.
Rotary was at it again, serving the community at the Narooma Motors car event on 28 January. Unfortunately, I could only get back late that day and could not attend. By all accounts we were very successful in raising funds and helping to feed the attendees.
Finally, Lynn Ange and myself spent many hours at the Surf Club Carnival serving food. It was a great PR exercise as the club was clearly impressed that ROTARY came out to help.
I know there was some disquiet among some members that informal social events were not organised over the break, but to be honest I simply did not have the time, as the above should illustrate. In saying that no one in the Club should feel that they need the President to organise a social event if they wish to have one.
Finally, this THURSDAY we have our YOUTH night and I hope you can all attend.
President Michael
Rotary and the Holiday Season
It has been a busy yet sad time for the Narooma Rotary Club this holiday season. We were saddened because of the deaths of Jeremy Ferguson, a former Club President and Paul Harris Fellow, and Jim Gibson the husband of Marilyn. Marilyn is also a former President of the Club.
Jeremy was president in 2000/2001, after kindly agreeing to take on the role at fairly short notice after the president elect originally nominated for the position resigned from the Club. Jeremy also held many Board positions over the years including stints as Vice President and International Service Director. Jeremy’s passion was Buckridge Lookout and he spent many hours as an individual Rotarian keeping it neat and tidy. It was also a major project in his Rotary year with members turning out with axes, shovels and chainsaws on at least two occasions to keep the lookout looking just right. Jeremy and Heather were also strong supporters of youth exchange and group study exchange. Jeremy and Heather hosted at least two exchange students and they hosted group study exchange team members when they visited our Club. Their son Scott also participated in a short term exchange to New Zealand. Scott also participated in the Honeywell Engineering Experience when a student at Narooma High.
Jeremy was also a regular at the Narooma Rotary Markets (and other fundraising events requiring the food van). On market days Jeremy usually transported the van to NATA oval and helped set it up. Jeremy always liked to cook the first few rounds of bacon and eggs for sale, then once the barbeque plate was well and truly seasoned he would cook the best ever bacon and egg sandwich for himself and his assistant (usually the Editor!).
Jeremy of course loved his food and there never seemed to be enough for him on Thursday nights. He was often the recipient of unwanted desserts and other meals, Rolf’s bread was always greatly appreciated. Jeremy just wanted a good dinner that would fill him up after a day of physical work.
During the holiday period Jeremy and Heather often hosted the Club for a barbeque at Paradise Point. Therese and I have many fond memories of sitting under the trees in the garden as Jeremy and Heather served up a fine feast for us. The fellowship and fun was often a highlight of the Rotary year.
Our thoughts are with Heather, Rowan and Scott at this sad time. Jeremy’s funeral was held last Friday.
Although Jim Gibson had been ill for some time he was still a larger than life person, always keen to tell a yarn. He also loved an occasional drink as well as a game of golf or bowls. Jim believed that Rotary was Marilyn’s domain and his job was to get out of the way and let her enjoy her time in the Club. Having said that Jim always participated in our social events and helped out at Club events. Marilyn and Jim also hosted Club Members at their home during the holiday season, serving us some great food as we took in the view from their deck. For some reason Jim was always worried that there wasn’t enough food or the meat would not be cooked to perfection. He needent have worried as he and Marilyn were great hosts and the food plentiful.
Jim’s funeral will be held tomorrow, 3 February, commencing at 11:00am at the Presbyterian Church. Our thoughts are with Marilyn and her family at this difficult time.
And yes the Club has been busy since we last met
On 18 December the Club along with Moruya and Batemans Bay Clubs held a very successful race meeting at the Moruya racetrack. Funds from the day will go towards the purchase of defibrillators for placement in shops, clubs and other venues across the Shire.
On 28 December the Club held its Christmas Market at NATA oval, the crowd was huge with sales at the van being well above expectation. I think the stall holders were even happy! Our January Market was held on 22 January, once again crowds exceeded expectations.
The Club was well represented at the Australia Day Ceremony at Surf Beach. David McInnes was the MC and Laurelle announced Sabine Kildea as the Narooma Rotary Scholar for 2017.
Frank Eden and the Renewable Expo nominated for Narooma Australia Day Awards, both were highly commended.
Merinda Antill was awarded with a Local Hero Award in recognition of her work within the Narooma Community, especially for her leadership of the community choir.
At 12:00 noon the Great Narooma Rotary Duck Race for 2017 was underway. A large crowd of onlookers piled on to the bridge and walkway to cheer on the ducks as they sailed down the inlet at great speed. Thanks to organiser John Doyle who planned the event to perfection. Thanks also to the many Rotarians, friends and family and to the Narooma Surf Club who helped out on the day. Thank you also to our friends from Moruya Rotary who came to help out.
First place went to duck 117 with Peter McNoe of Narooma holding the corresponding ticket to win $1,000. The last duck was 421 held by Nick Jones of Croydon who wins $100.
Proceeds will purchase at least two ShelterBoxes to provide emergency shelter for families affected by natural or man-made disasters overseas.
Donations will also be made to Narooma Surf Club in appreciation of their assistance and to Bermagui CRABS (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers) who lent us the ducks.
Saturday 28 January saw Bob, Bob, Ang, Charmaine, John, John and Chris staff the food van at the Narooma Motors Car Show. Sales on the day were steady with gross takings of $780.00. Once again the Club was seen as being active in our community. As we were tidying up on Saturday Diane Riley who had the face painting stall at the Show approached Ang to donate her proceeds from the day to the Club. What a wonderful gesture – thank you Diane.
If that wasn’t enough on Sunday 29 January President Michael, Lyn and Ang answered a call from the Surf Club to help out at their Carnival. Once again Narooma Rotary played an active role helping out our community.
The Week Ahead
Yes folks the big move is on – from this Thursday we will be meeting at the Narooma Golf Club at 6:00 for 6:30pm. This week’s Club Assembly and Board meeting have been postponed, instead we will be meeting our 2017 Narooma Rotary Scholar and catching up with some of our past scholars. It should be a great night.
Some Humour
At dawn the telephone rings.
“Hello, Señor Bob? This is Ernesto, the caretaker at your country house.”
“Ah yes, Ernesto. What can I do for you? Is there a problem?”
“Um, I am just calling to advise you, Señor Bob, that your parrot, he is dead.”
“My parrot? Dead? The one that won the International competition?”
“Si, Señor, that’s the one.”
“Damn! That’s a pity! I spent a small fortune on that bird. What did he die from?”
“From eating the rotten meat, Señor Bob.”
“Rotten meat? Who the hell fed him rotten meat?”
“Nobody, Señor. He ate the meat of the dead horse.”
“Dead horse? What dead horse?”
“The thoroughbred, Señor Bob.”
“My prize thoroughbred is dead?”
“Yes, Señor Bob, he died from all that work pulling the water cart.”
“Are you insane? What water cart?”
“The one we used to put out the fire, Señor.”
“Good Lord! What fire are you talking about, man?”
“The one at your house, Señor! A candle fell and the curtains caught on fire.”
“What the hell? Are you saying that my mansion is destroyed because of a candle?!”
“Yes, Señor Bob.”
“But there’s electricity at the house! What was the candle for?”
“For the funeral, Señor Bob.”
“Your wife’s, Señor Bob. She showed up very late one night and I thought she was a thief, so I hit her with your new Ping G15 204g titanium head golf club with the TFC 149D graphite shaft.”
SILENCE . . . .
“Ernesto, if you broke that driver, you’re in deep xxxx”