Ange’s Thoughts

It’s been quite a busy week, what with hearing about the rapidly approaching Oyster Festival at our Business Networking Breakfast on Thursday (see report below) and the Markets on Sunday. This week is very exciting too with the induction of four new members on Thursday – Ana, Annemarie, Nicole and Greg. How good is that! Plus a great after dinner speaker Sarah Lambert.
Laurelle and I attended the funeral service of Rotarian John Hayes at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Moruya last Thursday after the Business Breakfast. John was the much loved husband of Moruya President Shirl, and a much loved father and grandfather with a deep passion for community through his volunteer work. Both of us were invited to form a guard of honour after the service with Moruya Rotarians to farewell John.
Once again the weather held for Sunday’s Market and by 9am it was buzzing with many visitors having extended their stay to make a long weekend of it. Chris, as always, delivered a great market. Expectations were exceeded for this time of year with 62 sites, including some new stallholders. Thanks to all our wonderful helpers; so appreciated.
Then on Tuesday, Susanna and Laurelle lay a beautiful wreath on behalf of our Rotary Club at the Anzac Day ceremony.
The Week that Was
From the Business Breakfast
With only two weeks to go to Narooma Oyster Festival, Narooma Rocks General Manager Carrie Taylor was fairly ‘pumped’ and the feeling was infectious. It was great to be brought up to speed with this year’s Festival.
This is the 16th Oyster Festival and Carrie spoke about the necessary growth in infrastructure in that time, all of which costs. This year’s Festival will cost over $700,000 stage; most of the cost is covered by sponsorship and grants, as well as ticket costs. It could not be held without volunteers, 100 of whom will be working at this year’s Festival. Organisers are expecting over 10,000 people over the two days, the vast majority of whom come from outside the local area, particularly metropolitan areas. The Festival targets such areas to market Narooma and the region and it is deliberately held outside the peal season.
There will be many of the old favourites such as Friday night concert and fireworks, a great favourite with local families, Oyster Alley, Oyster Shucking, Australia’s Biggest Oyster and celebrity chefs, and the focus will of course be on the Sydney Rock Oyster. There will be five chefs, international and national and a larger marquee plus large TV screens for outside the marquees so more people can see.
The special ticketed events have all sold, some soon after tickets were released. New additions included the cultural programme featuring native foods and medicines, Sunday breakfast, and a dinner Saturday evening.
Here’s hoping for superb Festival weather!
The Markets

Sunday’s Market had a good vibe with so many people about, especially tourists. Our members rallied to the cause as well as our regulars the two Wayne’s. Financially too it was “not a bad day” financially, according to Treasurer Mike Treasurer with total takings for the day $2,132.65: Gate $1,180.00, Wishing Well $154.05, and Food Van grossed $798.60 (included $47.00 square sales).
This Thursday is a dinner meeting at the Golf Club, 6 for 6.30pm. President Ange will induct our four new members – Annemarie Narraway, Nicole Keith, Ana Koen and Greg Heath.
Then, after dinner, our guest speaker Sarah Lambert of the Cobargo Wellness Group will speak about ‘Thriving in Crisis – personal growth in hard times’.
Out and About
Reminder to check your Bowels
A few questions from people out and about this week re bowel tests. A reminder that the annual Rotary BowelCare Programme is now underway. Narooma Rotary has supported this programme since it started. This year the kits cannot be purchased from local pharmacies.
Instead purchase kits are purchased through the online store at, OR by phoning the BowelCare office Tuesday to Thursday 9.00 am – 3.00 pm (02) 4341 6695. The cost is $27.50 inclusive of postage and fees, pathology testing and notification of your result to yourself and your nominated doctor. Kits can be purchased until 31 May.
This programme is available for everyone regardless of age, whereas the free National Bowel Cancer Screening Program is only provided to those aged 50-74.
Australia has the world’s highest incidence of bowel cancer with 1 in 12 men and women diagnosed with bowel cancer by the age 85; it is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer. This one simple and cheap test you do at home could save your life.
BowelCare Australia is a division of CancerCare Australia Limited.
Wednesday 3 May: Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Golf Club 6.30pm
Thursday 4 May: No Dinner Meeting
Friday 5 May: 4.15pm Board Meeting scheduled but TBC (also start of Narooma Oyster Festival).