Ange’s Chat
This is my last formal ‘chat’ for the Beacon as President. From 1 January we welcome Bob Aston who will take over the reins for three months, followed by Laurelle Pacey who’ll take us to the end of the Rotary year.
The election of the new Board for the 2020/21 Rotary Year with Rolf Gimmel as President took place at our AGM last week. Thanks to the incoming Office holders: Vice President Bob Aston, Secretary Rod Walker, Treasurer Lynn Hastings, Directors John Rungen, Ange Ulrichsen, John Doyle and Laurelle Pacey.

Presentation Days were held last week at both Narooma Public School and Narooma High School and it was my pleasure to present awards on behalf of our Rotary Club. At the Public School I presented the Rotary Bill Borlaise Memorial Award to duxes Claire Ovington and Lachlan Druhan. I presented three Awards at Narooma High School – the Narooma Rotary Club Citizenship Award and the Joy Ings Memorial Art Award both won by Cecilia Colom-Davis. History Awards went to students in Years 7/8, 9/10 and 11/12 for their interest and enthusiasm in the subject. The high standard achieved by the students was very impressive.
Highlights in my quarter as President were:
- Our End Polio fundraising Film ‘Ride Like a Girl’, 24 Oct
- The Renewable Energy Expo on 2 Nov was another great success showcasing the latest products and local installers. Thanks to our Coordinator Frank Eden and the team
- Narooma Busking Championship – our Community has embraced this precious event in our town and we now have a new, dynamic team to take it into the future.
Guest speakers were well received at our meetings and a great way to promote our Club to potential newcomers. The variety of interesting topics included the publishing of the cookbook ‘Farmer’, St John, Morocco, Gardening, Climate Change and the role of Community, and Trade Wars by Economist Andrew Elek.
We end 2019 with Australia experiencing crippling drought, water shortages and bushfire crises. Let’s remember all those who are doing it tough and especially our courageous firefighters.
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and may the spirit and peace of this festive season be with you in the coming New Year.
It’s our Club Christmas party at The Inlet on Thursday 19 December, 6 for 6.30. Cost is $40 a head. Bring your most festive spirits. Look forward to seeing you

At last week’s meeting we took the opportunity to formally thank Paul at the Golf Club for looking after us so well through the year and to present him with a Rotary wine glass. We also gave him a box of chocolates to pass on to the ladies in the Office. The move to the Golf Club has certainly been a big success.
On the Bill Borlase Memorial Award
It is interesting to note Bill Borlase was not a member of Narooma Rotary but left $1,000 in 1971 for a Narooma Primary School Dux prize each year to be presented by our Club. A wooden honour board to record the name of each recipient was also presented to the school. That money would have long since been exhausted and the board replaced with new ones in the hall, but Bill’s name lives on.
News from Moruya Rotary
- Moruya Rotarians are building a rather large pizza oven at Yumaro at Moruya.
- Former Moruya Rotarians Shirley and John Hayes-Cornish from Moruya Rotary (Shirley spoke to us in August) have been asked to help man the Rotary Fellowship for Population and Development (RFPD) booth at the Honolulu Convention. Shirley said In Hamburg the RFPD received US$1.5 million from the German Government to which Rotary has added. Since then a nationwide Family Planning campaign has been organised for Nigeria – life and nation changing. ”So the fellowship and inspiration from Moruya Rotary lives on in this hot topic.” Shirley will be giving a talk about SHE by Pictures at theor new club Caloundra Pacific RC early next year with a view to them supporting the RAWCS program.
Bega Rotary Book Fair
The next Bega Rotary Summer Book Fair will be held 10-12 January in theBega showground pavilion, Upper St Bega. It will be open 9-5 Friday and Saturday and 9-1 on Sunday. Bega Rotarians are expecting to have over 30,000 fiction and non fiction books for sale. EFPOS or cash facilities are available for sale.
If you would like to donate some books, books in quality condition can be donated at Elders Real Estate, Carp St Bega and Andrew Constance’s office, also in Carp St. (Note: encyclopaedia, Readers Digest, magazines and books that are not in quality condition do not sell and storage space is at a premium so they would prefer not to receive them. Also they have logistical problems with receiving large / bulk donations of books as a result of moving house, major clean-outs, etc due to limited storage.
Sat 21 December: Interviews for Tertiary Education Scholarship 2020
Sunday 22 December: Eurobodalla Rotary Clubs Christmas Race Day
Friday 27 December: Our big Holiday Markets
Thursday 23 January : Club BBQ in Rotary Park 6 for 6.30
Saturday 25 January: Narooma’s Australia Day community celebration and presentation
Sun 26 January: Lions Club breakfast at Narooma Surf Club. Our Australia Day Market
Thursday 30 January: Our Club resumes at Golf Club with Youth Night
Wed 26 February: Christmas Race Day presentation at the combined Rotary International Birthday Dinner, Moruya Golf Club
Thursday 5 March: Cinders Trivia Night with Rotary Moruya, hosted by Narooma.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 6-8 March: District Conference Ulladulla
An informal gathering on Thursday 23 January when we will have a Club barbecue in Rotary Park, 6 for 6.30
Some of the worst Cracker Jokes (courtesy Moruya Rotary)
What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas Quacker.
Why did the turkey join the band? Because it had the drumsticks.
What carol is heard in the desert? O camel ye faithful.
What says ‘Oh-Oh-Oh’? Santa walking backwards.
Which athlete is the warmest? A long jumper!