Narooma Rotary Beacon 29 April 2021

Ange’s Chat

Our wreath laid at the war memorial at Club Narooma on Anzac Day

Maybe it was due to the Canberra long weekend and crowds after the Anzac Service, but our market on Sunday was a hub of activity with big crowds and brilliant autumn weather. Respectful silence was observed by everyone at both sunrise and 11 am for the start of the Anzac Day service organised by the RSL at Club Narooma. The local RSL had approved our holding the market on Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who helped at the markets. Special thanks to Akash Sharma and Dave Swilks for coming to our rescue on the barbecue, to our butcher Dave White who kindly dropped off our meat order at the van knowing we were short staffed, and to David McInnes who made at least five trips to the IGA to replace our depleting food stocks. Market takings were: Gate $1,025, Van $1,005 and Wishing Well $364. It is clearly evident that having a friendly Rotary presence at the gate encourages the public to give generously to our wishing well.

Meanwhile across the way, thanks to Lynda Ord for organising a wreath from Narooma Rotary for the Anzac Day service at Club Narooma. It was beautiful.

Happy birthday this week to Andrew Lawson for the 27th.


As most of you would have realised, there was no Rotary meeting this Thursday being the fifth Thursday in the month. Apologies from the editor for not getting this week’s bulletin out sooner (been full on since our return to Narooma late on Tuesday) so hopefully no one turned up at the Golfie.

The Week that Was

Business Breakfast meetings

The recent breakfast meeting was a great success, but we are unable to continue holding them at The Inlet so the search has been on for another venue and catering. Full details next week.

World Immunisation Week

This week (24-30 April) is World Immunisation Week where Rotary raises awareness of the work to End Polio throughout the world and to remind everyone that our progress in the fight to end polio is proof that vaccines work.

In today’s interconnected world, an outbreak of a disease anywhere is a threat everywhere. Vaccination is one of the best tools we have to improve people’s health and wellbeing. Even as COVID-19 vaccination efforts take place, vaccinations for other preventable diseases, such as polio and measles, need to continue in order to protect vulnerable people. The World Health Organization estimates that immunisations save up to three million lives per year. Thanks to the work of Rotary and our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), more than 19 million people who would otherwise have been paralysed by polio can walk today.

Out and About

Our members help at RYDA

President Ange, President Elect Andrew Lawson and Chris O’Brien are off to Bega next Friday (7 May) to help out at the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme at the Frog’s Hollow Kart Track. That’s when Narooma High Year 11 students will be there.

From Merimbula Rotary

Merimbula President Sue Jellis lays a wreath at Wandella

Last year Merimbula Club carried out some bushfire restoration work to the barbecue and toilet facilities at Wandella, then offered to provide power/PA and cater for their community ANZAC Day Ceremony/Service as their hall had been destroyed. 

Covid-19 prevented them from doing that last year, so this year Merimbula Rotarians catered for a community barbecue with cakes and tea/coffee, and set up a PA system for the Wandella Community.  It was greatly appreciated by everyone.

It’s all happening Saturday 22 May

First there is the District 9705 Club Development Seminar (9am – 4pm) at Broulee. Organisers have asked members to register for this free seminar. Many sessions are sure to be of benefit, such as social media/communications and public relations, Rotary Foundation, new Rotarians, Youth, Planning for success and expanding our goals.

This seminar occurs on the same day as our combined 100th celebration of Rotary in Australia at Moruya Golf Club. For this reason, District has been advised that local members will need to leave earlier.

Our celebration of 100 years of Rotary in Australia at Moruya Golf Club that evening at Moruya Golf Club is 6 for a 6.30 start. Fortunately we will have a few to represent our Club.

GPEI experience underpins Covid response

In March last year, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) put all polio campaigns on temporary hold and volunteered polio staff and infrastructure to support the COVID-19 response.

The pause was necessary to slow the spread of COVID-19 but it sparked an unfortunate uptick in both wild and vaccine-derived polio cases. Four months later, in July, polio campaigns restarted under new safety guidelines, adopting physical distancing, personal protective equipment, and sanitation requirements. However, these requirements also increased operational costs.

GPEI hotlines, emergency operations centres, computers, and vehicles have all been enlisted to support the COVID-19 response. While critical functions of the polio eradication effort continued, polio workers in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan became involved in contact tracing, testing, and educating communities about hand washing and other ways to reduce transmission of and exposure to COVID-19. In many cases, they carried out both polio eradication and COVID-19 response activities simultaneously.


Our next get-together will be via Zoom on Thursday 6 May with Kathryn Maxwell bringing us up to date on the Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) and their plans for the next three years. Lynda Ord will host our Zoom meeting at 6.30pm and Laurelle Pacey will chair it. Please be ready to go at 6.30.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 22 April 2021

Ange’s Chat

At our first Business Breakfast President Elect Andrew Lawson, President Ange Ulrichsen, guest speaker Narooma Oyster Festival Chair Cath Peachey and Narooma Chamber of Commerce President Dr Jenny Munro.

Our first Business Breakfast on Thursday at The Inlet was a great success and very well received by the 30 local businesses who attended. Cath Peachey, Chair of Narooma Rocks and the Oyster Festival, was a brilliant choice, speaking about the upcoming Festival, what it means to the area and the strategic planning for growth into the future. She highlighted the need to deliver events beyond the Oyster Festival to create year-round tourism in Narooma and the South Coast. Many thanks to Andrew and our team for a top effort over many weeks in putting the Breakfast meetings together.  Our slogan for 2020/21 is ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities’ and that’s so true.

Our combined club’s celebration of Rotary’s Centenary in Australia is rapidly approaching, on Saturday 22 May at Moruya Golf Club (6 for a 6.30pm). Twenty tickets have been put aside for Narooma Rotary and I really hope we have a good Narooma roll-up; both Batemans Bay and Moruya clubs have almost sold out. If you want to go, please let me know by 22 April. Payment of $35pp is needed soon after.

Our next market is on Anzac Day, 25 April. The RSL have approved us holding our market on that day. As many are away, it’s all hands on deck. We are also grateful to Julie Hartley who has offered to learn how to mark out from Bob Aston as well as our Indian friend Akash.

While on the subject of markets, could someone please volunteer to do the Market Roster in future? Bob Aston has kindly managed it to date but would like to hand over this monthly task.

Thanks to Lynda Ord for volunteering to organise and lay the wreath on the Club’s behalf at Club Narooma on Anzac Day. Ange Ulrichsen

THIS WEEK 22 April

A dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club. No guest speaker so we can just enjoy good fellowship. Please also have numbers and payment ready for the Centenary dinner on 22 May.


Narooma Oyster Festival Chair Cath Peachey and President Ange chat with David McInnes.

The first of our monthly Business Breakfasts held on Thursday 15th featured Narooma Oyster Festival Chair Cath Peachey. President Ange and PE Andrew were delighted with the response and widespread support the Club has received from the business community for these meetings.

Cath congratulated our Club on the Breakfast initiative. She welcomed the opportunity to speak to 30 local business people about the Festival’s considerable impact on Narooma and the region.

Rachael Niemoeller of Twig and Blossom and Barrie Wilkinson of Narooma New and Used enjoyed the Business Breakfast at The Inlet.

“Our primary goal is to get people here in May, a traditionally quiet time for tourists, and to promote our region’s wonderful fresh produce, our unique area and showcase the lifestyle here,” she said.

“Our strategy is to target high value visitors from elsewhere, particularly Canberra and Sydney, and encourage them to stay four to five days and experience Narooma and our region. We want to grow awareness of our region as a year-round destination.”

This year’s Festival will be opened by NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres.

Andrew Stewart of The Inlet put on a great continental breakfast for our first Business Breakfast, seen here with Annemarie Narraway of Narooma Audiology.

The 2019 Festival attracted over 5,000 people, 71% from outside the Eurobodalla Shire. Surveys have shown excellent satisfaction levels.

“We work hard to try to engage with as many elements of our community as possible, including having strong Aboriginal involvement, and this year the River of Arts section,” Cath said.

The Festival’s marketing budget is much larger this year thanks to Government grants to assist with the region’s recovery. Part of the budget will host top media who will be treated to an experience of the area as well as the Festival. The value of such extensive media coverage exceeds $1m.

She paid tribute to the Chamber’s vision in establishing the Festival in 2007, and acknowledged the support of the Festival’s partners, some of whom were at the meeting, of the volunteer team behind the Festival, and of the many volunteers who work at the festival each year.

The Festival now costs around $250k to stage each year.

The next Breakfast on 20 May will feature Narooma Chamber of Commerce President Jenny Munro who will talk about the Narooma and District Community Plan.

Out and About

Narooma Rotarians volunteer for RYDA

President Ange, President Elect Andrew Lawson and Chris O’Brien have volunteered to help out at the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme on Friday 7 May at the Frog’s Hollow Kart Track, south of Bega. That’s when Narooma High Year 11 students will be there, in lieu of the cancelled RYDA at Moruya this year. President Ange says Bega’s RYDA organiser Eric Johnston is both relieved and delighted. Our Club will pay for Narooma’s bus to and from Bega.

NEXT WEEK 29 April

There is no meeting as per the Club’s new arrangements, being the fifth Thursday in the month.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 15 April 2021

Ange’s Chat

Yoga teacher Tara Moore showed us some simple but enjoyable stretches and yoga exercises

We welcomed a number of guests last Thursday, many of whom were there to hear from our guest speaker Tara Moore. One guest was Immediate Past President Daryl Breust from the Rotary Club of Coolamon; this was his third visit to our Club.

Tara Moore, well-known local yoga teacher, told us “movement equals life”. She spoke about the importance of knowing your own body, being aware of your breathing which gives clarity and calmness, and drinking lots of water.

Lynn Hastings thanked our guest speaker Tara Moore for a stimulating presentation

She had most of us doing some simple stretches and yoga exercises to help us keep nimble and moving, standing up, shoes off, being aware of our posture. For example, slouching compresses the upper torso and limits oxygen in our lungs which can lead to fatigue; a simple remedy is to stand tall and breathe deeply. She showed that chairs are useful for twisting the body to the right and left which energises inner organs. All in all everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening of simple yoga exercises.

Many thanks to Julie Bradley for agreeing to help mark out our markets. Bob will contact her about ‘buddying up’.

Our District 9705 Area 6 Governor Adam de Totth of Canberra arranged for local presidents to meet at Batemans Bay on Sat 10 April. Batemans Bay is regarded as a halfway point for Area 6 which stretches from Gerringong to Pambula.

Presidents Leonie Corrin-Smith of Milton Ulladulla RC and Christine Watson of Batemans Bay RC and I had a lovely lunch followed by a constructive open chat with Adam about issues of concern in our respective clubs. Mutual topics of concern included membership, attendance, and the cost of membership, particularly in trying to attract a younger generation to whom our costs seem prohibitive.

Adam was totally receptive and offered possible solutions such as corporate membership to make business people’s costs affordable by charging such expenses to their Company; thus also enabling a tax benefit.                                                                                      President Ange

THIS WEEK: Thursday 15 April

Our first Business Breakfast is at The Inlet this Thursday at 7am sharp. Guest speaker will be Narooma Oyster Festival chair Cath Peachey who will outline the Festival’s benefits to the region and how local businesses can capitalise on the event’s success. The response from local businesses so far has exceeded expectations. Members are welcome, but need to book with Mike Young by Tuesday at the absolute latest. Members pay for breakfast.

The Week that Was

International Toast to Timor Leste

Last week we acknowledged the Rotary Clubs of Dili & Dili Lafaek whose members will be fairly focussed on the aftermath of the recent flood disaster in Timor-leste. Recent flooding there has damaged infrastructure and many people have lost their homes. RAWCS says quick action in collaboration with the local Rotary Clubs and the Timor-leste Government will assist in getting life back to normal. RAWCS is accepting donations towards this aim.

Narooma Yr 11 go to Bega RYDA

Narooma High has taken up Bega Rotary’s invitation for their Year 11 students to join their Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme on Friday 7 May at the Frog’s Hollow Kart Track, south of Bega. Our Board last week approved payment of the bus for Narooma students to Bega.

Bega Rotary has asked us for two Narooma Rotarians to help out on the day. Can anyone help please on Friday 7 May?

Narrandera and Narooma are Sisters

Andrew gave us the good news at the Board meeting that Narrandera Rotary Club wants to link up with us. This initiative encouraged by District will bring much needed interaction between Rotary clubs located inland and along the Coast. Interestingly our visiting Rotarian’s Coolamon Club was sponsored by the Narrandera Club.

Our President Elect Andrew Lawson with visiting Immediate Past President RC Coolamon

Join the three Clubs’ celebration

Narooma, Batemans Bay and Moruya Rotary Clubs will celebrate the Centenary of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand on Saturday 22 May at Moruya Golf Club (6 for 6.30 start). It will be a fun night, 1920s ‘dress ups’ encouraged, with music, dancing and minimal speeches. Music will be by the fabulous Stitch who won our last Busking Festival. Tickets are now available from our treasurer Lynn and I hope we get a good showing from our Club.  Cost is $35 head (two courses, not including drinks). It’s 6 for a 6.30 start. Cost is $35pp (two courses, plus bonus wine on the table).

We’re hoping for a great rollup of Narooma Rotarians, partners and friends. Please have names and payment to Lynn by 7 May.

Out and About

Moruya Rotarians breakfast at Jockey Club

Moruya Rotarians had a barbecue breakfast meeting at Moruya Jockey Club last Tuesday. Rotarians manned the barbecue serving up bacon and egg rolls accompanied by freshly brewed coffee. They were joined by the Presidents and Managers of both the Jockey and Golf Clubs. Their guest speakers were two of Moruya’s leading trainers Lin Morrison and Natalie Jarvis who gave members an insight into the racing industry.

Pambula Rotarians go to Eden

Each month Pambula Rotary tries to connect with local businesses for a vocational visit and to check out a new venue for dinner. In March Pambula Rotarians visited the Sapphire Surprise Anglican Op Shop in Eden for a behind the scenes tour with their very own Janet Brandon who volunteers each week at the shop.
They then went on to the Golden Ocean Bar & Restaurant, still in Eden, for a great meal and opportunity to connect and chat.


A dinner meeting at Narooma Golf Club. At this stage no guest speaker, so we can just enjoy good fellowship.

Narooma Rotary Beacon 8 April 2021

Ange’s Chat

What a fascinating presentation last week on Zoom from Council’s Sustainability Education Officer Gilly Kearney on how can we be less wasteful and more mindful. Thank you Gilly and to everyone who joined in. Many thanks also to Lynda Ord for hosting the Zoom meeting. See report in The Week that Was.

Plans are now being finalised for our inaugural Breakfast meeting next week on Thursday 15 April at The Inlet. Please see Andrew Lawson’s report below.

I would also like to draw your attention to the celebration by our three Eurobodalla Clubs (Narooma, Batemans Bay and Moruya) of the Centenary of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand on Saturday 22 May at Moruya Golf Club. It promises to be a fun night with music, dancing and minimal speeches. Music will be by the fabulous Stitch who won our last Busking Festival. Tickets are now available from our treasurer Lynn and I hope we get a good showing from our Club.  Cost is $35 head (two courses, not including drinks). It’s 6 for a 6.30 start.

Happy birthday this week to David McInnes (5th) and Frank Eden (8th).

Breakfast meetings looking good

Our approaches to many local businesses about our upcoming Breakfast Meetings have been very well received. The response to date has far exceeded expectations. The first meeting is on Thursday 15 April starting at 7am and members are encouraged to come along.

We are lucky to have Narooma Oyster Festival chair Cath Peachey as our first speaker. She will outline the Festival’s benefits to the region and how local businesses can capitalise on the event’s success.              PE Andrew Lawson

This Thursday – at the Golfie

A Board meeting at 5pm at Narooma Golf Club will precede the general meeting.

Our guest speaker Tara Moore will talk about ‘Movement equals Life’. This is a partners’ night so please invite partners and friends. Please make sure you let Secretary Rod know by Tuesday evening if you are coming and if you are bringing any guests. Tara will talk about how well you move, how well you know your body, and how important quality of life is to you. Tara has been practicing yoga for 30 years and teaching it for over 20 years with students of all ages.

The Week that Was

Be less wasteful and more mindful.

Gilly Kearney’s talk last week via Zoom was really informative. She pointed out there is no waste in Nature, everything is ‘circular’. Waste plus running out of resources were putting great strains on our planet. Her talk was based around a ranking of what we should be doing to be more mindful, the top two things being Avoid and Reduce waste.

  1. Avoid – avoid creating something of no value
  2. Reduce e.g. avoid buying packaging of some purchases by buying in bulk, composting food wastes (she mentioned Council run worm farming and composting workshops in March and November each year).
  3. Reuse/ repurpose – clothing is a massive problem in landfill. She asked people to look at clothing pools, clothing swaps, and upcycling
  4. Repair wherever possible
  5. Recycle – outlined what can be recycled through Council pickups; contamination is a major issue with a contaminated load having to go into landfill.
  6. Recover – this can be very expensive and not viable in regional areas
  7. Dispose – this is the last resort

In response to questions, Gilly spoke about the planned obsolescence of white goods, Council’s programmes with local schools and that Rotarians may be interested in attending a future workshop on worm farming and composting.

Rotary Easter Races on Saturday

Mike and Laurelle about to hand over the donations to David Ashford. The buckets were actually quite heavy.

Mike Young and Laurelle Pacey represented our Club at the combined Rotary Clubs’ Race Day on Easter Saturday by manning the donation buckets as patrons arrived to park. It was a good crowd and the first time Moruya Jockey Club had been able to host up to 2,000 patrons with the recent relaxation of Covid restrictions.

Batemans Bay Club organised the sponsors for the six races while Moruya operated their usual canteen. Proceeds from the day will go to community projects for the three Clubs; the exact use is still to be determined. Past projects from the Rotary Race Day have included the Moruya Oncology Unit, defibrillators and Muddy Puddles. The Rotary Race Day has been moved from the Sunday before Christmas to Easter Saturday.

Out and About

Narooma High going to Bega RYDA

Narooma High teacher Dion Café has confirmed Narooma High Year 11 students will be taking up the offer to attend Bega Rotary’s Clubs Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) programme on Friday 7 May at the Frog’s Hollow Kart Track south of Bega. This is instead of the programme run at Moruya which Batemans Bay Rotary reluctantly cancelled this year.

Eurobodalla Coordinator Neil Simpson organised with Bega Rotary to extend their event an extra day if there was interest from two or three Eurobodalla schools. It would be good if we can provide a couple of volunteers to support Bega’s efforts on the day.

Our Club usually funds the bus for Narooma High students. The Board will vote this Thursday on doing it again for this year.

RYDA is an excellent one-day driver safety program coordinated by Rotary that delivers integrated and powerful education to help young adults become better drivers.

NEXT WEEK Thursday 15 April 7am

This is at the Inlet. Guest speaker will be Narooma Oyster Festival chair Cath Peachey who will outline the Festival’s benefits to the region and how local businesses can capitalise on the event’s success.