The Christmas Party was great fun. Special mention to Chris for leading the entertainment and to Mike, ably assisted by Susanna Chung’s daughter Celeste as Santa’s helper.
On Saturday evening I went to the Cobargo Pub to cheer on the BlazeAid heroes. Regrettably, the fun was curtailed by a very violent storm!
Chris O’Brien treated us to a Christmas Trivia quiz and some Carols.
Sunday saw John and me shaking buckets at the entrance to the Narooma Cup Races at Moruya Jockey Club collecting on behalf of the three Rotary Clubs in Eurobodalla. People were really generous and we anticipated that almost $1,000 was raised. On Easter Saturday we will provide both shifts on the gate which will require four of us, in two shifts. Forewarned is forearmed!
As we all know, the market on Wednesday 29 December is a BIG event. The roster has been circulated. and thanks in advance to all who are helping out.
So we roll into Christmas and into 2022. Hopefully our festivities will not be curtailed by the dreaded ‘C’, and that we have a clear run through the new year. I wish you and your families my sincerest best wishes for The Season, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Onward and upwards mes amis!
Wednesday 29 December : Our December Market is normally the biggest of the year.
Sunday 16 January: Open House at Andrew and Lynn’s home at Wandella (instead of the 9th January) from 1200 until late. Andrew circulated details and directions to members on 17 December. It’s open house to Rotarians, their partners, children, rellies, friends, dogs, horses. Andrew says, “We’re really looking forward to seeing you all and to really kick off Rotary 2022!” Andrew and Lynn hope they will also be joined by a few of Lynn’s CWA chums in her new Area role. RSVP by 9th please.
Wednesday 19 January: Next Board Meeting at Lynn Hastings at 4pm (if she’s back), otherwise at the Golf Club.
Out and About
Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group
The next meeting of the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group is on Tuesday 4 January at 6.30pm at Narooma Men’s Shed. Everyone is welcome.
At the recent launch of the Narooma Prostate Support Group by Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) is supporting members and friends of the Narooma Group. “Community awareness is key to prostate cancer survival which is why we’re so committed to work closely with Narooma Rotary and the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group to support local men and families,” said PCFA CEO Anne Savage.
“Educating men and families about the importance of PSA testing and early detection is one of our core priorities, especially for men with a family history of prostate cancer. Current guidelines recommend screening from about 40 for men with a family history, or age 50 for those with no family history. If you experience symptoms, see your doctor immediately.
“We want to thank Narooma Rotary and the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group for working with us to help save lives and support men and families impacted by prostate cancer.”
Ms Savage said the organisation has Prostate Cancer Specialist Telenurses on call during business hours via 1800 22 00 99 and hospital-based specialist nurses in Bega, Canberra and Nowra. For more information, call 1800 22 00 99 or visit
Gillian Kearney of Marine Rescue Narooma dropped into our Party with a Certificate of Appreciation for Rotary’s ongoing support.
The next Beacon will be mid-January. Have a great Christmas and hopefully a wonderful 2022.
At the Narooma Prostate Cancer Support Group launch. our President Andrew Lawson, left, Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain, Dr Gundi Muller-Grotjan of Braveheart Healthcare, and Narooma Rotarians Julie Hartley and Mike Young.
Well, an important week on many counts. First, we had the much heralded launch of the Prostate Cancer Support Group last Tuesday (please see report below). Then our AGM took place on Thursday electing a new Board for 2022-2023 (one vacancy) with me continuing as President for another year. Thank you to all who nominated. More in a later Beacon.
Saturday was a very important day for me chairing the panel to select a deserving pupil from Narooma High for our Rotary Tertiary Scholarship for the first time. We had eight applicants. I was joined on our panel by our good friends Lynda Ord and David McInnes. Our decision was unanimous and I look forward to announcing it at Narooma’s Australia Day event.
This Thursday sees our Christmas dinner which should be great fun. Due to various circumstances, several will not be able to come along but, rest assured, we shall have fun!
On Saturday next I shall represent our Club at the ‘Farewell to BlazeAid’ barbecue at Cobargo Pub. These people have really been local heroes and, after almost two years, their work has finished. Astonishingly, they will have rebuilt over 70 km of fencing. Incredible… As you know, we had a very successful dinner for the BlazeAid crew at Cobargo Pub in August.
Then on Sunday, it’s Narooma Cup Race Day at Moruya Jockey Club. A few of us will be ‘rattling the bucket’ as people arrive, hopefully raising lots for Rotary in the Eurobodalla. All in all, a busy few days!
A final reminder that our December Holiday Market is on Wednesday 29 December. This is normally our biggest market of the year by far and it really will be all hands on deck. Please feel free to bring friends and rellies to help out!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible this Thursday! Joyeux Noël mes amis!
This Thursday is our Christmas dinner at the Golfie. You should have booked with John by Monday afternoon. Andrew asks everyone to please be there at 6pm so we can fit in all the festivities. The cost is $40 per person, except for the ‘little people’, and don’t forget the sub $10 unisex gift. We decided a white and red wine per table was getting into the too hard basket, so we will all be getting our own drinks. Should be a fun-filled evening!
The Week that Was
Launch of Prostate Cancer Support Group
Finally the new Prostate Cancer Support Group for the far south coast was able to be launched by Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain last Tuesday, 7 December, in front of about 20 men and women at Narooma Men’ Shed. Covid had delayed the event.
Kristy saluted our Club’s initiative in starting the group, acknowledging the high number of prostate cancer sufferers in the region due to its age demographic. “Every family has someone who has experienced cancer in some form, including my own, and I fully appreciate the importance of the support this group will offer individuals and their families impacted by prostate cancer,” she said.
At the launch of the Prostate Cancer Support Group
President Andrew was delighted with the response of those present, the interactions and the feedback they gave. “It really exceeded my expectations,” he said. “Many said they were so grateful such a group had formed and they will be encouraging others they know to come along.”
The Support Group is affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. It will meet on the first Tuesday each month 6.30-8.30pm at Narooma Men’s Shed (41A Barker Parade, Narooma). The next meeting is Tuesday 4 January at 6.30pm. Braveheart Healthcare (Lighthouse Surgery and Bermagui Medical Centre) has aligned with the new Support Group.
News from our Tertiary Scholars
We have reports from two of our three Rotary scholars which give some insight into the difficulties they faced this last semester because of Covid-19.
Our 2020 Scholar Rory Spurgeon is doing Health Science at ANU; Bob Aston is his counsellor.
This semester was a strange one. It started very well with almost all my classes in person. I was doing CHEM2203 which is the general second year chemistry course (in person labs, lectures and tutorials), PHYS1201 which is the general first year second semester physics course (in person workshops and labs), and SCNC3022 which is technically a third year chemistry research course which I found really interesting.
My research project involved modifying and testing one of the major machines in the research school of chemistry building. The basic idea was to be able to shoot a laser beam into the testing area so it could test photo excitable compounds. To start with I was just trying to understand all the theory and I set up a beam path for the laser.
In week 3 though, COVID struck again. I think this was one of the worst ones so far in terms of lockdown. The ANU and halls had stricter rules then ACT which was fair enough as halls are much higher risk. But it did mean there were weeks where we could only leave our room to go to the bathroom. We had meals delivered at the start which was good but we couldn’t go outside at all.
Slowly the restrictions eased and we got access to the kitchens but it was only for an hour a day and the time was always different. This made it very difficult to eat consistently. We were also allowed exercise time, initially one hour then two, but it could only be with 5 people so it was all still very isolating as this was pretty much the only time you could see people.
It went on like this till about week twelve when everything opened up. Things went almost back to normal so the year did end very well for me. Everyone was very keen to play sport after all the iso which suited me nicely.
In terms of uni work everything for CHEM2203 became just pre-recorded and online. PHYS1201 had labs and workshops over zoom which were good but extremely time intensive. And my research project became partly a literature review but I also got to analyse the data from my supervisor as he was allowed back into the building to do tests (the project worked in the end). [All in all three Distinctions for the semester.]
Overall this semester was very good practice for studying in a difficult environment and I feel I learnt a lot about what I need to study well. It was very difficult though which is why I was planning to discount my grades as I believe in a normal semester I could have done much better. It was a valuable experience nonetheless, and I’m very excited to learn more (hopefully in person) next year.
I have also been given the paid position of senior resident next year which means I look after everyone on my floor. It also means I move in on 22 January but I should still be able to come down for the meeting, and I’ll definitely do my best to be there.
I hope you have a great summer and holidays. Thanks, Rory
News from our 2021 Scholar Elise Dixon who is currently doing a Bachelor of Medical Science at ANU. Lynn Hastings is her counsellor.
This semester was another strange and difficult one. More lockdowns and my mum was in the ICU and flown to Canberra during the last week of semester and the first weeks of exams. I have to say I was glad for this one to be finished. Hopefully 2022 will be looking up for everyone.
Although my results are still not what I would have liked to achieve [a High Distinction in Psychology, a Credit in and a Pass], it wasn’t the easiest semester. That being said, I am looking into other course directions that may be better suited for me and my future studies. I will continue to look further into this over the Christmas and New Year period. I will also keep in touch to give updates on what I may pursue. I understand if this may affect the scholarship and I am already incredibly grateful for the support that Rotary has provided me. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Kind regards, Elise
Out and About
From Moruya Rotary
Some highlights from Moruya’s current bulletin… Moruya Rotarians have been busy preparing for the anticipated holiday crowds, post-Covid restrictions, and now have the kiosk at the racetrack ready for action. Last Sunday two Moruya members assisted Batemans Bay Rotary with a community project near Malua Bay where they are helping helping a woman with three children whose home was destroyed in the bushfires. The Bay Club is erecting a carport roof that will provide summer shade and tank water as the block is not on town water. Moruya’s Christmas party was on Tuesday at Tomakin and no doubt a great night was had by all. Each year Moruya Rotary erects Christmas lights along Moruya’s Vulcan Street and the lights, together with Moruya Lions’ Santas, bring Christmas cheer to Moruya.
Our Holiday Market is on Wednesday 29 December.
Then Sunday 9 December at Andrew and Lynn Lawson’ home at Wandella.