Julie’s Jots
What a busy week it’s been! The weekend before last Lynn Hastings and I represented the Club at the first workshop of our new ‘Community Group’ with representatives of most other clubs in the group. Lynn recorded lots of ideas for us to consider. We both realised how much our Club does for such a small Club.
Then on Thursday we Lifted the Lid on Mental Health (see report below). It was a great night and we all learnt heaps. I’d like to thank our speakers Laurence Babbington, Michael Weir and Sophie Scobie, our members and guests for making it such an enjoyable and informative night, and there were some great hats! Sophie’s partner Joel proved to be a top judge for the best hat on the night which was won by two people, Françoise and John. Two people on the night also expressed interest in becoming members which is wonderful.
Last weekend was the District Conference in Mittagong and our exchange Student Hilma was there, thanks to one of her host Mums Sally Hearder. Unfortunately no one from our Club could go. Hilma had a lot of fun catching up with the other exchange students in our District. She made the Finnish specialty Raspberry Pie as her special contribution to morning tea on the Sunday which Sally said was delicious!
Then the markets on Sunday… Many thanks to all the team who pitched in, including our Friends of Rotary. We took $910 at the gate (the most so far this Rotary year), gross van food sales were $935.39, and the wishing well (which included September’s market) $192.50.
THIS THURSDAY 31st October
Being the fifth Thursday in the month, there is no formal event. Instead we are heading to Lynch’s Hotel for dinner in the old dining room 6.30pm. Please let Gero know if you will be coming by COB Tuesday. Hope to see you there.
The Week that Was
Narooma’s Lift the Lid
There were some great hats last Thursday with almost everyone getting into the hat spirit. Our guest speakers were inspiring and spoke about different aspects and approaches to dealing with mental health issues; lots of questions followed.
Laurence Babbington spoke about Narooma Men’s Table which has up to 12 members. They meet once a month at each other’s homes. Men’s Table is a safe and informal place for men to share ‘stuff’ with other men (apparently no talk of footie, no detailed weather, no religion etc).
Michael Weir gave us a great rundown on Deadly Runners, an indigenous group formed in 2023 to foster health and wellbeing among indigenous Australians through running and cultural engagement. He stood in for his wife Georgia who was unable to attend. They meet at 6am three days a week in Ken Rose Park near the bridge.
Sophie Scobie is from the recently opened and much needed Narooma office of Headspace, opposite the Plaza at the lights in Narooma. This organisation provides support for young people (12 to 25) who are going through a tough time. It is open Mondays 10am-6pm, Wednesdays 9am-5pm (family counsellor also there), and on Tuesdays at Narooma High School 9-3.30pm.
Out and About
From Moruya Rotary
This week’s column in Moruya’s newsletter by President Allan Veness was glowing. He says the Club’s plans are starting to bear results; guests at last week’s meeting expressed an interest in joining the club and they have another potential member as well. Their formalising of how the club distributes money back into our community seems to be working well with guidelines and an application form which makes the process clear and gives their club accountability. Allan also reports their Charity Golf Day was a big success and shows how well the Club can manage a large scale event when so many people contribute.
From Batemans Bay Rotary newsletter
The RYDA programme has a new coordinator following Neil Simpson’s passing on the baton after many years. Newly-inducted Pam Williams will coordinate RYDA from 2025. Neil reports Pam was a maths teacher at Bay High, been a presenter at RYDA so has the skills and knows the programme and people very well, and she’s a capable organiser and an enthusiastic supporter of youth programmes. Sounds like a perfect match. Pam will contact other Clubs once a date for RYDA has been set.

Wednesday 6 November 6.30pm: Prostate Cancer Support Group with guest speaker Jarrod Flynn, the Shoalhaven Cancer Care Centre Co-ordinator.
Thursday 7 November 5.15pm: Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club.