Lynn’s Lines

Our December market on Thursday 28th was huge as always with 96 stallholders. That plus perfect weather and hordes of visitors topped it all off. A big thank you to all our usual wonderful team, especially to our market manager Chris O’Brien, and to David McInnes’ extended family who sold many raffle tickets and also helped in the van. Many hands definitely do make lighter work.
Our van certainly looked much better thanks to the recent cleaning detail by John Rungen, Gero Mitchell, Ange Ulrichsen, Laurelle Pacey and me. At the market, we collected $2,044.50 at the gate from stallholders, the food van grossed $1,418.59 (incudes Square), and $150.00 from the wishing well so a great result. Gross $3,613.09. We also sold $1,336.00 worth of Duck Race tickets.
It was also my great privilege at the Market last week to announce that our 2024 Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship has been awarded to Nico Van Delft-Twyford of Bermagui (see more below).
I am still painting my railings on the deck in preparation for the pot luck dinner/BBQ at my place on Sunday 14 January (35 Eucalyptus Dr Dalmeny 5:30 for 7 eating). Could everyone please bring a plate to share of salad or sweets, and BYO meat and grog. Look forward to seeing everyone including our Friends of Rotary. Hope everyone can make it.
Our thoughts are with Lachie Penglase and his family as Lachie prepares to move to Japan for the year as a Rotary Exchange Student.
Here’s hoping we all have a wonderful 2024!
No meetings this week. The next function is an informal BBQ at Lynn’s place on Sunday 14 January (see above and below).
The Week that was
Our 2024 Tertiary Scholar
The 2024 Narooma Rotary Tertiary Scholarship has been awarded to Nico Van Delft-Twyford of Bermagui. In announcing Nico’s win at the markets, Lynn explained that the Club awards a three-year scholarship to a student from Narooma High each year, thanks to a bequest by Alexander Birch with additional funding recently from a local benefactor. It currently equates to $6,000 a year. Thirteen Narooma High students applied for the scholarship this year.
Nico is the 35th student Narooma Rotary has helped pursue their studies and achieve their dreams. With this scholarship, that assistance now totals over $330,000.
Nico sees huge potential in the cyber security industry in Australia; his studies for a Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security) at the University of Wollongong, in association with TAFE and a commercial company, should ensure his success in this field.
First of new Club banners heads to Germany
A Rotarian friend from Germany of Iris Domeier and Frank Eden visited Narooma at the weekend. Quick thinking Iris chased down one of the new Narooma Rotary banners for him to take back to his Rotary Club Bad Camberg-Idstein. Their friend, Dr Carsten Weilnau, is the current Club President and gave our Club one of theirs.
At his installation, Carsten gave an inspiring speech and underlined the role of music, art and culture as a unifying element in their society: “Where there is music, the weapons are silent and people listen to each other,” he said. When asked, Iris said Carsten is not a professional musician “but a very fine trombone player”. They met when he was a Visiting Scientist at the ANU’s Laser Physics Centre and he went along to the Canberra City and Spectrum Band. Carsten is a European Patent Attorney and a European Trademark and Design Attorney.
Sunday 14 January 5.30pm for 7pm: Informal BBQ at Lynn’s place at Dalmeny. BYO meat and grog, plus something to share like salad/dessert.
Friday 26 January Time TBC: Narooma Rotary’s Great Australia Day Duck Race. All hands on deck please. Arrangements to be finalised at Lynn’s place on 14th.
Thursday 1 February 6 for 6.30pm: Youth Night at Narooma Golf Club
Friday 2 February 5.15pm: Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club
Thursday 8 February 6 for 6.30pm: Club Assembly