Narooma Rotary Beacon 24 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

All Saints Anglican Church at Bodalla is now recognised as being of State Heritage Significance

Last week’s meeting featured Laurelle Pacey’s great talk on why All Saints Church at Bodalla is now listed as being of State Significance. Laurelle did the nomination on behalf of the local Parish; Heritage NSW determined it met four criteria for State Heritage listing.

She shared many details about its history which were unknown to me and most others at the meeting which made it even more interesting. Now I want to drop into All Saints and have a closer look. Thank you Laurelle

John Rungen and I recently met with Golf Club Chef Andrew and Events Manager Belinda to discuss our dinner arrangements. Due to the rising cost of food and staff wages, it is no longer viable for them to continue with our current arrangments. Andrew has given us two options. 

For our Club assembly, usually 10-12 members, choose a meal from the Board in the brasserie and pay as we go.

For a dinner meeting with speakers, we will be served a meal on alternate drops plus any request for vegetarians (if notified at time of booking). Cost is $25. This starts this Thursday 27th August. It is imperative we get the numbers absolutely correct. This will be discussed further at the September Board Meeting. Please advise if you are attending as numbers are required by Tuesday afternoon.

This Sunday is the August market, so all hands on deck please. This will be the last one at the later time; we resume normal times for the September market.

Meanwhile we have a special night on Thursday when we hear from Narooma High’s MUNA students. I am really looking forward to it.


Narooma High students, representing Jordan, in action at the recent MUNA in Canberra

DINNER MEETING 6 for 6.30pm: We welcome Narooma High students Coby van Teulingen, Sandy Loudoun and Ella Marshall who, thanks to their teacher Monique Wicks and our Club’s sponsorship, participated in the Model United National Assembly (MUNA) in Canberra over the weekend 11-13 August. Please invite partners and friends. It is really important you tell John Rungen by noon on Tuesday if you are coming and if you are bringing guests. John has to let the Golf Club know numbers Tuesday afternoon.

The Week that Was

Legacy Mural completed

Artist Sam Wortelhock in action over the last week painting the Legacy remembrance mural.

The stunning colourful mural on the toilet block at Ken Rose Park to commemorate 100 years of Legacy has now been completed. It is being greatly admired by many passers-by. Artist Sam Wortelhock of Breakaway Art painted the poppy fields of Flanders with one lone soldier.  Our Club was one of many local organisations and individuals who donated towards the cost.

Out and About

Social Media and Marketing Workshop

Batemans Bay Heritage Museum is running a Social Media and Marketing Workshop on Tuesday 26 September. Two representatives from Batemans Bay Rotary are attending. Any Narooma Rotarians interested and able to go.

 District’s Regionalisation update

All members should have received an update on the progress of the Regionalisation Pilot. We’re encouraged to discuss this at Club level. There are two key changes where we can have an active voice.

First, Governance across the zone will be overseen by a Regional Council elected by clubs. Members can stand for elections. Club Presidents will vote on behalf of their club to elect Regional Council positions in October this year.

The other major step is Club Presidents and Secretaries will soon receive information to start club conversations about how we would like to be grouped with other clubs. There’s a series of webinars end of August/early September.

Alan Russell at Batemans Bay Rotary has volunteered to keep his Club up to speed with the Regionalisation pilot. Do we need someone similar?

District Conference in Queanbeyan

The District 9705 Conference will be held 20-22 October in Queanbeyan. More details to be released in the coming weeks.


No Meeting because it is the fifth Thursday in the month.