Narooma Rotary Beacon 10 August 2023

Lynn’s Lines

President Lynn Hastings

First some housekeeping.

John Rungen will do the market roster until the end of the year while Mike Young is in Western Australia. Mike and John do the marking out each month on the Saturday before the markets so John will need some help in Mike’s absence. So could everyone who can make it come long on Saturday 26 August at 9am to learn how to mark out to Chris’ plan for that market.

From last Friday’s Board meeting:

  • ‘pledged’ a $500 donation towards the District’s project for solar installation at the Buakonikai Primary School on Rabi Island in Fiji. The school has six teachers and 127 students. Our donation depends on District being able to get sufficient pledges from Clubs to raise the $50,000 still needed. (We contributed to similar school projects in Fiji last year.)
  • Sadly Andrew Lawson has decided not to return to the Club after his six month break but may consider returning at a later time. The Board accepted his resignation with regret.
  • Need to have ‘backups’ for various tasks when people are away and for succession planning.

Look forward to seeing you this Thursday night.


Club Assembly 6 for 6.30pm at the Golf Club. See you then.

Out and About

MUNA this weekend

Students at last year’s MUNA in the Museum of Democracy in Old Parliamentr House

The Narooma High team for the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), sponsored by our Club, heads to Canberra this weekend. Our three students, guided by teacher Monique Wicks, will represent Jordan.

Moruya Rotary is sponsoring two teams from Carroll College who will represent South Africa and Germany, while Batemans Bay Rotary is sponsoring a team from St Peters College at Broulee.

The schools will debate six resolutions from their allocated country’s point of view; the competition is really keen with some top schools in Sydney and Canberra also participating. The resolutions are:

  • Resolution C. The situation in the South China Sea
  • Resolution D. Strengthening the role of the UN in the promotion of democratization and enhancing periodic and genuine elections
  • Resolution E. Preventing and combatting crimes that affect the environment
  • Resolution F. State of global food security
  • Resolution I: A global call for concrete action for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
  • Resolution J: The Situation in Myanmar

Ange Ulrichsen who is promoting our youth programmes urges anyone who can to drop into Old Parliament House to watch our students. She says it is always inspiring and the team is always a great credit to Narooma High and to Monique.

ROMAC update

In June, Narooma Rotary contributed $1,000 to Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC). This humanitarian project has provided life giving and/or dignity restoring surgery to over 500 children from more than 20 countries, with medical treatment not available to them in their own countries. It is assisted by many eminent Australian and New Zealand surgeons who generously donate their time for the treatment of patients. Recently ROMAC circulated a report. Here are a few highlights.      

ROMAC is very much up and going again after the interruptions caused by COVID. Over 70 children are under consideration on ROMAC’s waiting list. Five children are currently being treated in Australia and New Zealand but ROMAC would like to be doing more and making a bigger dent in their waiting list but there are two significant restrictions.
1. The public paediatric hospital systems in some parts of Australia and New Zealand are still recovering from the pandemic and have long waiting lists and staff shortages. ROMAC’s placement options are limited and it is having to consider the private sector and overseas options, but these are not easy to find.

2. The number of ROMAC volunteers. They have a great team but desperately need more people to treat more patients. ROMAC needs more people with IT and medical backgrounds as well organisation, marketing and management skills. There are opportunities to help at the national level and on every Regional Committee. In return you would get the enjoyment of making a huge impact on the lives of these ROMAC children and their families.
Contact ROMAC Chair Ian D’Arcy Walsh (via if you would like to become involved.

NEXT WEEK Thursday 17th

Dinner meeting 6 for 6.30pm at Narooma Golf Club. Guest speaker Laurelle Pacey will explain why All Saints Anglican Church at Bodalla has been gazetted for State Heritage listing and what that means. Please invite partners and friends.

All Saints Anglican Church Bodalla