Ange’s Thoughts

Thursday was certainly a night to remember. ‘Do it once; do it well’ is the inspiring motto for Rotary’s Pride of Workmanship. Rotary and local businesses celebrated our great annual awards night in style on Thursday. It’s a proud moment and a win/win for employer and employee, so important in today’s world.
It was my great pleasure to present awards to the six recipients. (See full report below) A big ‘Thank You’ to Awards Organiser, Laurelle Pacey who does such a sterling job with these awards
Also that night, our Club took pride in presenting a donation for $3,800 to the Carers’ Accommodation Eurobodalla Hospital (CAERH). The money was from last year’s Whale Watch raffle and part of this year’s Duck Race. Carers’ accommodation will be attached to the new Level 4 Eurobodalla hospital and is totally community driven. Steve Young also showed architect images of the new hospital which will be located near Moruya TAFE.
Narooma Rotary started the fundraising ball rolling when we announced in August that proceeds from our whale watching raffle would go towards Carers’ Accommodation project.
The Club reconvenes the 2021-2022 AGM to approve the reviewed Financial Statements from 2021-2022 that were not ready for the AGM in December. This should be a short meeting. Members may like to dine together in the Bistro afterwards.
The Week that was
Pride of Workmanship
Six local businesses recognised valued employees at our annual Pride of Workmanship Awards at a special dinner at Narooma Golf Club on Thursday. President Ange said at the presentation these Awards “give local business people the opportunity to publicly recognise one of their staff who goes above and beyond”.
“It’s a chance to show their appreciation to someone with outstanding qualities in terms of approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to their job. Most importantly, Pride of Workmanship is not a competition. It’s recognition of individual achievement and commitment.”
Ange presented awards to:
- Rebecca Harrison of Dalmeny Long Day Care (collected on her behalf by former awardee Teagan Nicholson)
- Michelle Booth of Estia Health Dalmeny
- Mia Turner of Maven Dental Narooma
- Islah Lopez of Narooma Community PreSchool
- Lynn Bond of Narooma Public School
- Michele Sacoor of Oyster Farmer’s Daughter.
Club donates to Carers’ Accommodation

Our donation to the community-initiated Carers’ Accommodation for the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital (CAERH) on the Thursday was the first of possibly a number of our donations to this project. Secretary of the Carers’ Accommodation group Steve Young and Shirley Hayes-Cornish were “blown away” at the size of the donation.
Steve said the carers’ accommodation will be a long term community project over the next three to four years, similar to the community’s Oncology Unit fundraising at the existing Moruya Hospital a few years ago. While the new hospital will be totally funded by Government, carers’ accommodation is a community-initiated project. It will be for family members who need to be close at hand to someone admitted to hospital.
Out and About
From Merimbula Rotary
Merimbula Rotary recently donated $1,000 to assist in setting up a global grant with a Rotary Club in Denmark to supply emergency mobile medical clinics to help victims in the Ukraine war. This mobile medical clinic has just arrived in the Ukraine and is ready to help treat war casualties.
On ShelterBox and Rotary
ShelterBox partners with Rotary International to ensure more communities in desperate need of shelter after a disaster are supported. ShelterBox works with disaster-affected communities to provide what emergency shelter and essentials they need to support families in rebuilding their lives after a disaster. It is currently working in Pakistan, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Somalia, Syria, Yean, Lake Chad Basin and Burkina Faso.
ShelterBox stores aid items in strategic locations around the world so they can get it to the families who need it as quickly as possible. Each disaster is different, and so is every community. One size does not fit all, so assessments are made to ensure the most appropriate support is provided. Emergency aid comes in the form of ShelterBoxes (sturdy green ShelterBoxes containing sturdy family-sized tents) or ShelterKits (with essential tools including a tarpaulin that people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes). They also contain things like tools, cooking sets, solar lights and activity sets for children. Sometimes blankets, groundsheets and mattresses are provided.
ShelterBox works with trusted local partners and a network of volunteers, including Rotarians, who travel by foot, boat, helicopter or tuk-tuk or whatever it takes to get the aid to the families in need.
THURSDAY 6th March
4 for 4.15pm – Board Meeting at Narooma Golf Club.
No dinner meeting.