Bob’s Blog
Hello everyone

Welcome to 2018! I hope each and every one of you had a great Christmas and a relaxing start to the New Year.

As always seems to be the case, the year ahead looks to be a busy one for Narooma Rotary. Take January for example, with Australia Day Ceremonies, the Duck Race, Narooma Motors Car Rally and our monthly markets all to take place over the long weekend – please help if you can.
To ensure that we have a bit of fun to get us in the mood for a good 2018, don’t forget this week’s cocktail party at our place this Saturday from 6pm. It will be a great night with interesting cocktails, mouth-watering’ mocktails’ for the non-alcoholic drinkers, beer and wine, and top class entertainment. I encourage you to dress in bright cocktail wear. The cost will be $20 per head and will include drinks and finger food (there is no need to bring any food).
Therese and I are looking forward to seeing you. Please let me know if you, your partner and friends will be coming by this Thursday.
Please bring your sold and unsold Duck Race tickets so that we can finalise the Duck Race.
Have a great week.
Taking stock

December Holiday Markets
The December market on Thursday 28 December was the biggest ever. Chris reckoned it was an all-time record for the gate, never having topped $2,000 before. We had 112 sites occupied by 77 stallholders. It was a huge effort by Chris and the team who marked out, purchased and organised food, staffed the gate, did the barbecue and sold great tucker from the van. A special thank you to the Doyle family who also helped out in many ways.
We also had a very successful day selling duck race tickets. Michael and Ang with great moral support from Mal & Judy, and Peter & Julie Hartley sold more than $1,000 worth of tickets; a wonderful achievement.
Narooma ceremony on 25 January
Lynda Ord encourages as many Rotarians as possible to come along and support the Australia Day Award presentations on Thursday 25th at Club Narooma at 6pm. This is a new venue and time for Narooma’s celebrations. It is also a prestigious time for the Club because at the ceremony President Bob will publicly present the 2018 Rotary Tertiary Scholarship to Alicia Bate. Some of our members will also be singing in the Community Choir.
Friday’s Duck Race is fair to all

Our race judges have now declared all 1,000 ducks fit and ready for racing in our annual Australia Day Duck Race. This is a great relief to all Rotarians who all uphold the Four Way Test, especially ‘Is it fair to all concerned’. After the judges’ scrutiny, we can definitely say ‘yes’.
Race organiser John Doyle said the 1,000 ducks will be launched from the bridge about 10 on the 26th and then proceed downstream towards the finish line at Apex Park boat ramp where judges and stewards will have taken up position. ‘We’re hoping for perfect weather, good crowds and a quick race,’ he said. The first duck across the finishing line wins $1,000. The last duck wins $100.
Proceeds will go towards Australian Rotary Health and the Club’s Tertiary Scholarship fund for students from Narooma High. Donations will also be made to Narooma Surf Club in appreciation of their assistance and to Bermagui CRABS (Cancer Research Advocate Bikers) who lend us the ducks each year.
Saturday – Narooma Motors Fourth Annual Car Show
Narooma Motors will again host its Annual Car Show on Saturday 27th, this time on NATA Oval. We will be helping out with the food van.
Peter and the Narooma Motors crew have invited as many car clubs as they could and entry is free. The gates open to entrants from 7am. For non-entrants the gates open from 9am. 2EC will broadcast from 10am. Entrants close at 12.30 so judging can be completed by 1.30. Prizes will be handed out before 2EC’s Kimmy Saker departs at 2pm – 10 trophies and cash prizes. There will be face-painting, balloons and a jumping castle for the kids, prizes and giveaways. The last hoorah will be a ‘supercruise’ around town, on a route yet to be finalised, for those who wish to take part.
Holiday Weekend Sunday Markets
Chris O’Brien reports the Markets on Sunday 28th, the last Sunday in the school holidays, promises to be even bigger than the December markets. John is ensuring we have all hands on deck so will be doing a ring-around for the few empty roster slots.