Bob’s Buzz
Hello Everyone
A belated Happy Mothers’ Day to all our mothers in our Narooma Rotary Family.
At last some restrictions imposed because of COVID -19 are starting to be removed. I am looking forward to a time when I can go out for a coffee and even a draught beer. Hopefully we can get back to face to face meetings before too much longer.
In the mean time I have organised another Zoom meeting for this Thursday. We will commence at 6:15pm because the Board will be meeting beforehand. I have even organised a surprise guest speaker, so that you don’t have to listen to me prattle on. I will send out the details on Wednesday evening.

I thought the Zoom meeting we had a fortnight ago was great, it is always interesting to here how others are surviving the lockdown and David McInnes’ musical rendition was something very different, hopefully he will be in fine form again this week. It was also interesting to hear from Mike Young and how his far flung family is coping. The video he sent us of the Broome coast line was breathtaking, thanks Mike for sharing it with us. Charmaine assures me that she will have her sound sorted by Thursday and Laurelle has managed to download the app so this week’s meeting should be informative and entertaining.
One of the things we will be discussing at the Board meeting will be our Changeover. Do members have any innovative thoughts on how we might induct Rolf into his role as Narooma Rotary 2020/21 President?
The Club still has some bushfire recovery funds to distribute, your innovative ideas and suggestions on how we can spend these funds are always welcome.
Have a great week . Bob
5.15pm – Board meeting on Zoom
6.15pm: Our regular meeting, also via Zoom, with a surprise guest speaker.
Check your Bowels before the end of May
Just a reminder that the test kits for the annual Rotary BowelCare programme are on sale at both Narooma pharmacies as well as Bermagui and Cobargo until the end of May. This year the kit costs $20.00which includes pathology testing and the pre-paid envelope; both you and your nominated doctor are notified.
Our BowelCare coordinator John Rungen said the Club is proud to support this campaign each year.
Australia has the world’s highest incidence of bowel cancer with 1 in 12 men and women diagnosed with bowel cancer by the age 85; it is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer.
This programme is available for everybody regardless of age, whereas the free National Bowel Cancer Screening Program is only provided to those aged 50-74. This one simple and cheap test you do at home could save your life.
The new District 9705
The new Rotary District 9705 comes into being on 1 July. It will combine the old District 9700and District 9710,
In case you missed it… The first 9705 District Governor will be Dr Michael Moore AM PhD of the Rotary Club of Canberra
The District Governor Nominee Designate for the new District 9705 is Geraldine Rurenga of the Rotary Club of Murrumbidgee as the new District Governor Nominee Designate for District 9705.
Geraldine only joined the Rotary Club of Wagga Wagga Murrumbidgee in 2014 as a new teaching graduate, and eventually became the President. It is a club new-age club that strives to do things differently. She had already had experience on management committees of a variety of non-profit organisations. Geraldine now works in tertiary education, designing university courses across disciplines and lecturing in teacher education.
Geraldine is passionate about Rotary because of the commitment Rotarians have to improving our world, and the opportunity to build capacity in our community – most importantly through investing in and developing our young leaders.
Rotary grants provide a major boost to Pacific vaccination project.