short notes by bob ant
Isn’t the digital age fantastic!! I turned the computer on at 6 am this morning and at 8.30 I have just finished going through my Rotary emails for the last few days. As we can now communicate at lot easier than in the past, we now communicate a lot more.
Last Thursday we had our Polio Plus Movie night at the Kinema, for the Narooma Premier of “Eddie the Eagle” . Many thanks to John and Janette for allowing us to host this night, to Chris O’Brien for organising (above and beyond) , to all who helped out and to those who came to support a very worthy cause. The bonus was two fold 1) helping end Polio. 2) A really good movie.
Chris is working on the Cinders night and I hope you are all catching up on your trivia, we need to win so study hard and invite brainy friends!!!
Frank and his team have started putting together a Solar / Alternative expo. More to come but the ground work so far looks very positive.
Shelter Box has now received full tax deductible status. See article in the next Beacon.
This week we have a board meeting and an update on some of the projects and more.
Have a great weekend
VIEW Club’s Zone Conference
On Wednesday 4th of May Radar, Sandra and I travelled south to attend the VIEW Club’s Zone Conference at Merimbula, as Radar had been invited to be their guest speaker. It was a pleasant day and were made to feel very welcome – plus we had a delicious lunch!
Radar began by playing his erhu and he played two lovely pieces -one quite slow and evocative, and the other was lively, showing the full range of the instrument. He played beautifully and everyone listened very quietly and attentively.
He then spoke about Taiwan, and about his experiences as an exchange student. He soon had the ladies laughing with descriptions of the ‘culture shocks’ he had experienced both at school and at home. His presentation was great and everyone enjoyed it very much. Before we left, the local Narooma VIEW Club asked if he would be guest speaker at their club in July! Sandra and I are designing our business cards now for our new venture as Radar’s Event Managers!!
As some of you would know, the VIEW Clubs support the Smith Family, in particular their Learning for Life program for children and families in need. It was great to hear about the success stories of those supported through this program and to see the commitment of these local ladies to help others.
– Michael O’Connor
Cinders Trophy Trivia Night and Dinner
The Narooma and Moruya Rotary Clubs’ Cinders Trophy Trivia Night and Dinner will be held on Thursday 19th May in the Montague Room of Club Narooma on Thursday 19th May at 6pm for 6.30pm. The cost will be $28.00 per head and this includes a 2-course meal with tea and coffee to follow. Please try to invite as many of your friends as possible so we can take the Trophy back!
District News
The latest edition of “District Matters May 2016” is available.
Highlights : Margaret Hassall to be District Governor 2018-19.
They think BIG in Pambula – they made over $3,000 from cooking up Paella !!!